35 4 7

I pushed my seat under the table wishing to leave this class as fast as I can. Nobody hates last period more than me , the thought of hustle in the hall sends shiver up my spine. Even my books must've understood me better than last time and managed not to slip as the jocks bumped into me while I grabbed my stuff. Sometimes I like to believe I'm invisible so I don't feel bad about being so insignificant to them , so unimportant they can't even mind they're step every time they pass by me. It's not that they're some high class people to want to be respected by them , i've learned that in high school popularity means more than your brain or personality. You just gotta be on the football team and you're all set. I feel like I'd hate to be so ,,in the spotlight" they seem to have their business all over the place. Everyone knows they're drama. And right now I think I'm giving them more importance than leaving before the bell rings. As I stepped out of the room my heart completely sank when I heard that obnoxious sound , seeing people come out of their classes and blocking the hallway , heading towards their lockers. It felt impossible to reach the door without smelling the entire odor factory and sweaty practice shirts. I had to pass by Sandy and her disgusting boyfriend devouring each other by the bathroom. I dissociated so bad thinking about all my obstacles that i had froze in the middle of the hall staring at literally nothing.

,,Linea!" a familiar voice called my name , Frankie came from came running , she stopped for a second putting with her hands on her knees , panting and coughing.

,,What's the hurry" i adjusted my backpack to face towards her

,,You always leave early" well I guess this time I missed my anxiety free ticket to the exit ,,I wanted to ask you something" finally standing up , moving her hands to her hips.

,,I don't have time for your English paper , Fran , I'm already behind myself" she shook her head a little more relaxed ,,It's not that"

,,Cameron is throwing a party , I was wondering if you wanted to come ?" She really has the nerve to ask me this after her friends embarrassed me a month ago at another kind of this atrocious and badly planned ,,get together" like she usually names them.

,,Last time i left soaking wet because they thought it would be funny to throw me in the pool" I tiredly pointed at her group who was 4 feet behind us. They're all so pale , I wonder if they ever touched some grass , maybe they're vampires. Is that why they're at all the parties? They all happen after the sun sets.

,,Cameron doesn't have a pool , you're safe. There is also gonna be people from other schools like Staten Island and those private catholic high schools around Carley's" I bit my tongue and looked at the ground. ,,He is not gonna be there" I looked back at her with dry eyes . ,,It's tomorrow at 8 , we'll pick u up , it's on our way " She had this really bright smile on her face as she backed out towards her friends still facing me ,,I'll text u!" Frankie blew me a kiss , and the bell rang again , leaving me standing as before in the middle of the hallway with my bag hanging off my shoulder , my books in one hand and the other waving at my friend who was once again manipulating me into blindly going to another one of her disasters.

Why would I go? It's not fun for me. I'm not a fan of dancing with strangers , neither one of crowded places as I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders seeing that the hall had cleared up , my teacher came out to lock the door

,,Linea." he calmly said , mr Lovey , my English teacher with grey hair and his shabby blazer he always wears seems to have never had a negative thought in his head , his eyes so peaceful and kind , every word that comes out of his mouth is fascinating and makes you think twice about it.

,,What are you still doing here?" he asks looking thru the papers in his hands

,, Frankie ... uh she came to invite me to this party in the hills " he nodded his head , turning my way ,,Oh , well have fun then"

,,I don't know if I should go though" Mr Lovey plastered a warm smile across his face

,,Linea have you not learned out of all the novels I suggested you that good happens at the most unexpected and probably unpleasant times?" he bent down , grabbing a paper and putting it in the trash. ,,Good can be disguised as anything or anyone  that positively affects your life my dear" he slid a hand on my shoulder ,,What good is there to be found in a house full of drunk teenagers and stupidly loud music" i slightly giggled as we both started walking towards the office

,,Do you think a million opportunities are gonna show up to your door if you never leave the house?" Mr Lovey chuckled ,,Let me rephrase that , they might but could you handle them if you never socialized before?" , stopping after a few feet ,,Do you think Prince Charming will knock on your window?" i stood quietly by his side

,,You'll never know if you don't go" I don't think this man has ever attended such a place if you ask me , but he still made me curious about this reason he invented

,,You're right I guess..." I scratched my head and a valid excuse came to mind ,,My dad probably won't let me thou" he smiled and pulled out a shiny paper from his portfolio he carries around all the time , handing it to me.

,,Tell him my wife and I invited you to this literature seminary , I'll even confirm if you want" I giggled looking over the paper he gave me. My dad's definitely gonna believe this bullshit.

,,Thank you" I deeply breathed out ,, Well I guess I'm going" I forced a smile

,,Have fun then" he headed towards the office leaving me alone in the hall again. I put my head in my hands and take out an annoyed whimper. ,,Geez now I really have to go" I said looking around

I finally walked down a completely quiet hallway , so peaceful when it's not filled with thousands of people. My dad was waiting outside the entrance with Cheese hanging out the window , shaking his head at me and waving his tongue in excitement , you could see his tail wiggling from the stairs. Dad shoved him in the backseat and opened the door for me.

,,What took you so long?" he asked taking my bag and throwing it in the backseat where Cheese was so exited to see me after such a long day that I couldn't help but pet him , avoiding my dad's question

,,So?" My hands wondered to the flayer Mr Lovey gave me

,,My teacher made me wait for him , he wanted to invite me to this seminary." there was not one bit of doubt on his face ,,Do you think I should go?" I asked , watching him back out of the parking lot.

,,Of course , why not?" i just knew he wouldn't say no , I'm actually surprised he didn't want to come.

We drove the rest of the road listening to the radio , not mentioning the supposed seminary again. As we pulled into the driveway I jumped straight out of the car and dodged any other questions that would imply me staying out of my room. Cheese followed me closely , premiering the road to my bed and getting real comfortable between my pillows.

,,Hey I'm ordering pizza!" dad called from downstairs

,,Ok!" I yelled back , looking for my phone. When I finally found it I checked my messages for that specific one I hoped to see. But it wasn't there so i guess this was my final reason to go to that party

8 pm bottom of the street

We met in the bathroom Where stories live. Discover now