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"When you wish a upon a star~~"

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"When you wish a upon a star~~"


.:。✿*゚'゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚'゚・.:。✿*゚'゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚'゚・.:。✿*゚'゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚'゚・

"Hey you ok?" The voice on the other line sounded like it was....Crying? "Lorraine?" Who is Lorraine? "N-no...could y-you come o-over Arthur?" Arthur's eyes where soft and sad. "Of course I'll be there in a couple of minutes" Lorraine had a soft yet sad smiled. Lorraine is- no was Francis aka France but someone spread the news that he was a she and now she has been isolating herself for eight weeks since the incident,the only one who knew it was Arthur aka England he knew from the beginning so when the news came out.....oh boy was he pissed!

•*ꑄೞᵉᵉ৳~❥˪৹⌵ೕ⋆.∗̥ ✩⁺˚ •*ꑄೞᵉᵉ৳~❥˪৹⌵ೕ⋆.∗̥ ✩⁺˚ •*ꑄೞᵉᵉ৳~❥˪৹⌵ೕ⋆.∗̥ ✩⁺˚

Lorraine heard a knock on her door not knowing it was Arthur because she has been getting knocks every week. "Lor? It's me Arthur" Lorraine opened the door while rubbing her red eyes. "May I come in?" "Y-yes" Lorraine let Arthur in and Arthur opened his arms and Lorraine just fell in his arms and cried until she had no tears left.

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Lorraine was asleep and Arthur put her blanket on her and then kissed her forehead made sure before he left everything was locked. "I hope you get better MY sunshine" He then left leaving a sleeping Lorraine on the couch.

(Sorry for the long wait and I hope that this was ok)

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