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(A/n : Ok so this is a ship because I saw some 2p Canada x 1p Canada and 2p America x 1p America so please understand that it's just because that I was inspired to make this ship. And sorry Francisco will be ooc)

 And sorry Francisco will be ooc)

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"I believe in you and me"


.:。✿*゚'゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚'゚・.:。✿*゚'゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚'゚・.:。✿*゚'゚・✿.。.:* *.:。✿*゚'゚・

Francisco was already at Lorraine's house because he heard the news. He knew Francis was actually Lorraine Bonnefoy,although he never believed in loved he knew that he was in love with Lorraine when there eyes meet. 'This is your chance. To tell her how you feel once and for all' He soon knocked on the door when it opened he was met with Lorraine in a light-purple ruffles lace cold shoulder chic a line dress.

 To tell her how you feel once and for all' He soon knocked on the door when it opened he was met with Lorraine in a light-purple ruffles lace cold shoulder chic a line dress

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"H-hello Francisco" Truth be told she also felt the same towards Francisco. Out of no where he kissed her. Surprisingly to Francisco she kissed back. 'I guess she loves me' They soon broke the kiss and Lorraine invited him in.

•*ꑄೞᵉᵉ৳~❥˪৹⌵ೕ⋆.∗̥ ✩⁺˚ •*ꑄೞᵉᵉ৳~❥˪৹⌵ೕ⋆.∗̥ ✩⁺˚ •*ꑄೞᵉᵉ৳~❥˪৹⌵ೕ⋆.∗̥ ✩⁺˚

'No one will steal Ma lumière' (My light) Francisco and his lumièré where correctly having tea. Turns out Lorraine loved Francisco longer then Francisco had love her,he was very delighted when he had found out about that. Lorraine soon yawned. "Ma lumièré you should take a nap I have to make a call" "Alright Frany" Lorraine went to her room. Francisco waited a while making sure Lorraine was fully asleep once she was he made the call to......Oliver someone he hate no DESPISE! But he had to make the call one way or the other he knew he had to,luckily it had nothing to do with Lorraine.

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"So? You remembered?" "Of course you highlighter" "Ow that was mean!" "I don't give a f##k" "I said no cussing beside I needed to call you because we have a meeting surprisingly and you wouldn't answer anyone so I took it upon myself to do the honors to make you answer" "Alright is that all Oliver!?" "Hmm,pretty much it's on July 14!" That would be Lorraine birthday. He wouldn't dare miss his Lumièré's birthday,so what would he say. "Well I have other f###ing plains though so yeah,sorry not sorry you d##n highlighter and if Lutz has a f###ing problem he can come and talk to me" Francisco hung up and went to Lorraine who was peacefully asleep and Francisco hugged her and soon they where cuddling.

(A/n : Sorry that Francisco was ooc)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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