Chapter VII -Nurmengard-

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{Talking on the fireplace/Two-way mirror/through Patronus}

Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VII


Tuesday, 25 June 1991


Tom stood and left the bedroom going to the kitchen. He picked the paperwork in there and hummed at seeing the names, Dolores Umbridge and Fudge's wife. Tom glanced back towards his naked husband following him in wobble legs. They shouldn't have celebrated the successful pregnancy that much last night.

"I have to go work." Harry nodded. "Get dressed. Or at least put a robe if you can't handle trousers nor underwear." Harry mock glared at that and Tom couldn't help the smirk. "The Lestranges will be here any moment. Trusting them or not, this sight is my eyes only, Jerry."

Harry huffed and returned to the bedroom. Just like he warned, the Lestranges arrived and Jeremiah approached with his own copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Jerry already filled a report." Tom agreed showing the parchment. "I want whoever the Actress is to give her own interview about pro-lesbianism."

Jeremiah picked it in thought.

"I'll send Alexa to her." He agreed. "Boys, no more interviews without a warning."

Harry returned – only in robes to Tom's amusement.

"Didn't you learn already that I do what I want?"

"Harian." The brothers bowed their head at Harry, who approached and picked his mug with tea.

"I have to go work. See you tonight."

Harry nodded back.

"Don't forget Hogwarts. And ask Poppy about potions!"

Tom smirked and left with Jeremiah. Jeremiah gave back a parchment with his timetable for the next couple of weeks and Tom nodded, apparated to Hogsmeade and entered Hogwarts uninvited. Slughorn was fast to come and greet him, to which Tom gave him the parchment.

"Jeremy worked out my time-off for the next couple weeks so I could give you."

The Headmaster opened the parchment and looked up the hours before he nodded.

"I'll make sure not to overflow you with extra work – even if a party. You also need time-off to be with Harian after all. Which congratulations are in order."

Tom nodded thankfully as they climbed to the Infirmary wing, side-passing the students who stopped to gawk. Poppy was waiting for him and Tom just knew it would be more than just a little blood. Slughorn left and Tom entered alone.

"You already knew that Jerry still intended for children." He argued at her dark look.

"That's not why I'm furious. Horcrux?"

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