Chapter 4 Part 1

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Enola's POV

I spent the night at Basilwether Hall, which was a nice change from my current residence, though I still preferred it. Upon waking, there were fresh flowers in the room, which could have only been Tewkesbury's doing. I smiled as I identified calla lilies, violets, wallflowers, southernwood, and peonies, which respectively meant beauty, loyalty/devotion, faithfulness in adversity, constancy, and healing. 

Tewkesbury had clearly put time and thought into the arrangement, and I loved it all, despite my not giving a fig about flowers prior to meeting the Viscount. Or would that be Lord? I never could get straight which title was supposed to be used. But then again, like Sherlock, I had little interest in politics. 

I felt much better than I had yesterday after being attacked, and was fairly certain that there would be no ill lasting effects. After informing my boarder that I wouldn't be there last night, I was a little fed up with Tewkesbury's questions and urging. But that had changed when he said he was worried for me. I remember heat rising to my cheeks, though whether or not I blushed was undetermined. I hardly wanted to believe that Tewkesbury liked me. My emotions were very conflicted where he was concerned. 

Inhaling the mixed scents one last time, I moved to get out of the bed when a knock came from the door. One of the maids I'd seen earlier came into the room, and following her was Lady Tewkesbury. To say I was surprised would have been an understatement. Last night hadn't been the best for me at least, and I don't think it was great for anyone. 

Tewkesbury had said that since I was a guest of the house, I was expected to eat dinner with his family. As most of you might recall, I was raised by mother, who was in no way a typical English housewife. As such, I had never learnt to be a proper lady, and proper dinner with none other than a Lord's household was petrifying. I had stayed silent for most of the meal and barely ate at all for fear of doing something wrong, which was strange for me. Usually I wouldn't care if I weren't a proper lady, but for some reason, I wanted to appear perfect. It had been so dreadfully silent that I was able to excuse myself to the guest room under the pretense of needing rest. It was true, but the situation was just too uncomfortable for me to continue being in. 

"Did you sleep well, Miss Holmes?" Lady Tewkesbury asked politely.

"Yes, Lady Tewkesbury. Thank you for your very generous hospitality." I said, the uncomfortable feeling starting to arise again.

"You should thank my son if you haven't already. He cares for you a great deal." She said while watching me intently for my reaction.

Heat rose to my cheeks as I stood and gratefully took the clothes handed to me by the maid. "I have thanked him, Lady Tewkesbury. I am grateful for his kindness. But I should leave soon; I needn't stay longer than necessary." 

"Enola, do you care for my son?" She asked, all pretense of probing gone and replaced with a bluntness I wouldn't have expected from her but perhaps should have. 

"How do you wish for me to respond, Lady Tewkesbury?" I asked, my voice almost inaudible.

"Honestly. My son is the most important thing to me in this world, and I want only the best for him." She said, smoothing the ruffles on her dress as she sat down in an elegant armchair across from my bed.

I almost paused mid step as I went to the dressing area before recovering. "What exactly are you asking me, Lady Tewkesbury?" I asked, almost fearful of her response.

She sighed heavily. "I was hoping to get a response without further explanation, but if you must know, I have been trying to find someone for my son, but he will have none of them. It has been quite evident that in the short time you spent together, he became, well, besotted with you. I want only the best for him, and I need to know how you feel about this."

I gasped as my mind registered what Lady Tewkesbury had told me. Tewkesbury was besotted with me? How could that even happen when we had spent less than ten day's time with each other, over two years ago? 

"It's beyond me as well as to what his reasons are for pining after you." Lady Tewkesbury said as I came out from the dressing area. I was shocked at what she said before I realized that I had spoken my thoughts aloud. 

"I apologize for letting my thoughts be spoken aloud, Lady Tewkesbury." I said, slightly ashamed but still reeling internally with what she had told me.

"There's no need to apologize, dear. Your response cleared up some of my questions. You really did not recognize his feelings, did you?" She asked gently as she took in my appearance.

I bowed my head in embarrassment and happiness. "I did not. And I truly don't know what I feel towards your son yet. But..." I paused, not sure if I should continue further. 

"Yes?" Lady Tewkesbury probed lightly.

"...I don't know exactly what I feel towards him. It was easier to tell a few years ago, but now..." I spread my hands helplessly. "I don't know. I wish I could provide you with a more solid answer."

Lady Tewkesbury smiled. "I seem to remember a few years ago, you were just starting as a budding detective trying your hardest to find my son, and now, you're one of the best known detectives in England. You've come a long way since then, Enola. I do hope you can make up your mind soon." Lady Tewkesbury said, standing and moving to leave the room. 

"Whenever you are ready to return to your residence, the carriage will take you. I enjoyed our talk. And I do hope whomever attacked you will be caught and taken care of soon." With that final remark, Lady Tewkesbury left the room.

I sank into an armchair, the events from today and yesterday causing my mind to spin. To try and calm my nerves, I made a list in my head of all the facts I'd learned recently.

1. I was attacked yesterday by two men.

2. Tewkesbury found me and had the house doctor take care of me.

3. The men threatened me and go by the acronym MFE.

4. Lady Tewkesbury is trying to find a wife for Tewkesbury.

5. Tewkesbury likes me a lot according to his mother.

6. The men who attacked meant to scare me badly and hurt me, but not kill me(at least not yet).

My mind calmed down as I sorted things in my mind, pushing the facts pertaining to Tewkesbury to the back of my head to deal with later. Now that I was well on the road to recovery, I could safely leave Basilwether Manor and focus on this mystery that threatened me and people I care about. Gathering my things, I stopped to take one of each flower in the vase that Tewkesbury had arranged and pressed them into a journal I always carried with me. If we never saw each other after this moment, at least I should have something to remember him by aside from memories of days long gone.


I know this was a short chapter, don't hate me. 

What do you think of Tewkesbury's mother? Her character wasn't very well defined in the movie, so this is my interpretation. 

Hope you enjoy!


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