Chapter 3

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A/N: This chapter will be from Tewkesbury's POV. I will be switching in between his and Enola's POVs from this point on.


I hugged Enola tightly, not wanting to let her go. After watching her walk away two years ago, my life simply hadn't been the same without Enola. I'd read about every case I'd seen mentioning her, but it wasn't the same as hearing as hearing her laugh or seeing her exasperation when I asked a useless question on purpose. And then the shock of finding her in the alley near the House of Lords nearly destroyed me. I wanted to track down whoever had attacked and threatened her as quickly as possible, but my first priority was Enola. 

I liked her, a lot. I wouldn't have said I was in love with her, if not for what was happening right now. Holding her like this brought me to the realization that I never wanted her to leave. I wanted to be near her always and protect her, even though she was more likely to protect me. I felt as she inhaled deeply and stepped back. I didn't want to let go of her, but I knew it was necessary. 

"Do you think I might be able to leave now, Tewkesbury?" She asked in a quiet voice.

I shook my head in a negative gesture. "You should stay here at least until you're healed. That way Doctor Hurthin can keep make sure your injuries don't get infected." And I can see you more often for a little while longer. I thought privately. 

"I don't need to be taken care of that much, Tewkesbury." She said, smiling a little. "I'll stay tonight, but tomorrow I'd rather be at my residence. I needn't be here longer than necessary." 

"I won't force you to stay, Enola." I said, looking down at my feet. I was hoping against hope that she'd want to stay, but I would respect her wishes if she didn't want to be here longer.

"You're not forcing me, Tewkesbury. I'm touched that you care for me like this. I'll stay longer if it turns out to be necessary, but I'm not staying forever. I should let my boarder know I won't be back tonight though. She'll be concerned otherwise." Enola mentioned. I was once again reminded of how both independent and caring Enola could be for others; both of those traits were admirable. 

"We can take the carriage if you so wish." I offered quickly. The mail carrier had already gone for the day, so the only other option was to go in person.

"'We'? Tewkesbury, I can handle myself perfectly well on my own." She said, an air of ignorance coming about her.

"I agree, but your recent brush with death seems to say otherwise, Enola." I said, trying to talk some sense into her.

"I suppose you can come along, although it's really not necessary." She said, though she was smiling.

I did think it was necessary, but I didn't voice that out loud. "I'll inform the servants to get the carriage ready." I said, and we walked outside to wait for the carriage to pull around to the front.

Enola and I carried pleasant conversation on the way to her residence. I was pleasantly surprised to learn of her interest in flowers, which was by far different than when I'd last known her. She'd been willfully ignorant of any type of vegetation, although she did compliment my flower pressings. 

We stopped at the address Enola had given the driver, and Enola got out, already having told me to stay put. When I first met her, I'd told Enola that she reminded me of my uncle, and I wasn't lying. She did have the same stare, and she was bossy quite often. But it was endearing. Enola wasn't to know that, of course. 

I was relieved that she'd at least let me hear what her address was. I'd been trying to find her discretely from time to time and never could. Now that I knew her address, there was a possibility of my seeing her more often, though not by much. 

But I knew I was being selfish. Although I did want to see her more often, her life was currently in danger. I desperately wanted to see what the threat said that had her so worried. It was almost exact to the time when I'd asked Enola why she didn't want to go the finishing school. She hadn't answered but merely changed the subject abruptly. From what I knew of her, that meant whatever was in the note was extremely personal. 

Enola arrived back in the carriage and instructed the driver to head back to Basilwether. I nodded to the driver when he looked at me for confirmation. Enola touched the bandage on her head delicately, and I was concerned. 

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked gently.

"Yes. I'm just tired. Getting attacked can really take it out of a person." She said, smiling lightly to let me know she was attempting humor. 

"Will you let Sherlock know about the threat?" I asked, trying to draw any more information out of her. 

She dropped her hand to her lap and avoided my gaze before saying, "I haven't decided yet."

"He's your brother. Surely he would want you to be protected?" I said, apprehensive at the fact that while I could accept that she wouldn't tell me the details of the threat, I couldn't accept her choice to not tell her brother. I held Enola in the highest form of respect, but if it could be detrimental to her well-being, that wasn't okay.

"Sherlock knows I get into dangerous situations. He also knows I can take care of myself. You thought so too at one point." She glared in my direction. I knew she was talking about when I had ended up living after my grandmother had shot me. Enola was and is made to fight. But there are things bigger than her, though she wouldn't admit it, being the proud person she is.

"I do still think that, Enola. I'm just concerned for you." I said, shocking myself and Enola with what I said. 

Enola's shocked expression wore off and softened significantly, almost to the point of what looked like a blush. We didn't speak a word the rest of the ride back to Basilwether. 


It's a short chapter, I know. It's harder to write in Tewkesbury's POV. I'll try to do better on the next one. 

Do you believe Enola has feelings for Tewkesbury? I need a first name for him, btw. I like the name James. What do you guys think?


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