Part 5: Clarke

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"Okay I'm sorry about lunch I admit I took it a bit too far." I look to Harper who's back is up against the lockers next to mine. "and the party." I roll my eyes pulling my phone out of my backpacks side pocket It's hard to stay mad at her "you don't need to apologize, I could use a ride home though."

"done. but only if we can stop for some ice cream or something my step mom has us on this vegan cleanse or something she read about and I need sugar."

I slam my locker close laughing to myself "sure thing."

"Meet me out back after my last class?"

"see you there." I watch her skip down the hall disappearing into one of the classrooms just in time for the bell to ring. I'm defiantly not telling her about Bellamy taking me to lunch she'd have a field day.

"Hey Harvard." very convenient timing I feel like I manifested that.


"Free period or just late?" I give him an amused look does he know who he's talking to.

"Right I forgot who I was talking to." my stomach does a little flutter he can read my mind.

"I'm guessing you're late then."

"Oh how you know me." he moves ahead of me taking long backward strides. "Can I give you a ride after school?"

"Oh um thank you but I can't I have to save Harper from a vegan cleanse or something."

"Sounds serious."

"Quite serious, my services are needed greatly."

"I get it, you're in high demand." he puts his hand over his heart dramatically "I'll get in line"

"Not much of a line honestly."

"I doubt that."

"Cutting it close Blake." we both stop to look at Mr. Thompson leaning against his open classroom door "one more tardy and it's an after school detention."

"Sorry." Bellamy pulls a slip of paper from his back pocket "I had a headache."

"amusing." Mr. Thompson snatches the paper from him looking it over then lets out an annoyed sigh. "get in here Blake."

"Until me meet again Clarke." he says with a wink making my stomach do a little flutter again.



"Ugh you have no idea how good this is right now."

"You know they do make vegan ice cream." She holds up her spoon shushing me "let me have this."

I roll my eyes sticking my own spoon in the top of my tiny mountain of vanilla bean. I want to tell her about Bellamy. I should tell her I mean she is my best friend, but then again she's Harper. Maybe I could talk to Wells about it. Then again I feel like that would be a bad idea. Ugh I have to tell somebody. I'm suddenly wishing I had more friends. Fuck it.

"I think I'm starting to like Bellamy." I flick the top of my spoon and sink back into my chair.

"Bitch excuse me! Did I not say!" I wave her off "I know I know."

"So you do want the D!"

"What. Harper no."

"Sorry I'm doing it again. What changed though?"

"He uh...kind of...took me out to lunch and then asked if he could take me home."

"Um excuse me! I need details now!"

"can you not make a big deal about this."

"You basically just went on a lunch date with Bellamy fucking Blake! How am I not supposed to make a big deal out of this."

"It wasn't a date it was just lunch."

"Well was it just the two of you?"


"And he paid?"


"did you share an appetizer???"


"Ah bitch! That was a date!"

Was it? Why would he want me of all people. Was this a new thing or did he always feel this way. I can't even think of a time where he showed even the slightest form of attraction towards me. I have to know for sure.

"I don't know Harper I mean I don't think that he meant anything by it. Maybe he's just being nice." He never really asked me he just asked me to go with him and I did. I don't even know why I agreed in the first place.

"He likes you 100%. Also why didn't you let him take you home? He obviously wanted to spend time with you."

"Cause I told him I was busy saving you from a vegan cleanse."

"I'm touched truly but you're a dumbass."

"I guess." I straighten up in my chair biting the inside of my cheek "I just need my car fixed fast I hate not having a car."

"Hmmm a horrible first world problem you seem to be suffering from, although you could use it your advantage." I roll my eyes at the first half of her comment "Oh yeah? How."

"Have Bellamy take you to and from school." She scrapes the bottom of her bowl with her bowl getting every last bit of melted ice cream.


"Why not."

"Cause it's weird and honestly feels kind of rude."

She just rolls her eyes tossing her spoon back into the bowl "He already offered which means he's down for it."

"I don't even have his number."

"An easy fix try again."


"What are you so scared of just go for it."

"I don't know I just..."

"Just let him take you home then you can go from there."

I twirl my spoon deeper into my ice cream slowly accepting defeat.

"Fine." I sink back down in my chair listening to her excited squeal making me already regret this decision.

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