Chapter 1: The Day We Met

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Jade's POV

It was a cold Monday morning at Legend Middle School, the 6th graders were running to class as the 7th and 8th graders slowly made their way, stopping every few minutes to talk with friends. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was in the 7th grade and was already a part of the troublemakers. As we walk to class, laughing and chatting, we run into the football jocks. They stare at us, then say " Move out of our way weirdos". We stare back at them and answer " How about you move jackass". We push past them before calmly walking to our class. That afternoon, I was in my last class when two jocks came up to me and sat in the row behind me. As class began, they began to throw paper balls at me. I ignore them till I get annoyed and throw it back at them. Of course, the teacher only sees me throw it at them and assigns me a detention. I sat in the class annoyed that I got in trouble and they didn't. As the bell rings, I stay seated. The teacher then begins to speak " You know causing trouble will get you nowhere". I stare at the teacher before answering " I know this". Before she could respond the door slammed open, " You're late, Jackson" says the teacher. "I know ma'am, my class before kept us late. I am so sorry" He responds "Sit down" she says. He sits in the seat beside me. "I have to take something to the office, don't talk or move, if I come back and you aren't here it will be another day of detention". She says before leaving the room. "Hi I'm Jackson Blake, what is your name?" the boy says gleefully holding out his hand. "Jade" I responded, not shaking his hand and looking away. Jackson tries to get my attention more before saying " I am on the football team" as if that is supposed to impress me. "Ok and..." I say ,staring at him annoyed, he smiles then says " do you like football?" "no" I responded. He frowns before asking "why not?" I sign " because the jocks on the team are jerks". He nods before saying " I agree, do you want to be friends?" I stare at him before agreeing. The rest of the detention was spent with us talking about our interest. I learned that he loved football and wanted to be a pro football player. His entire face would light up talking about it. As we left detention, we made a promise to keep our friendship a secret considering our friend groups weren't close. As months passed by in our 7th grade year, We hung out on the weekends. We would even sneak in a hang out during the week. He became my best friend and my crush. I never told him though because I loved our friendship more than anything. As we entered our 8th grade year, we kept to the same schedule. I would sometimes watch his football games with his mom. Our mother's got close during our friendship. We all became one big family always around each other. Our families never understood why we didn't tell everyone we were friends. What they didn't know was our secret friendship became so special that we didn't feel the need for other's to know. As we got older and our friendship groups grew, it became harder to hang out, but we always made time for each other. We became more than just friends. We became best friends. Unknown to the people around us. This is how I became the football player's secret best friend. 

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