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finally one person woke up. then the kids woke up. "Kids please fix yourself, we'll go to the mall." i said then gave Soobin a sign to hurry up, by the way theyre all up. They all fixed theirselves then drove to the mall to pick the gown up. Once we all arrived, we headed to the shop then bought the gown.


We got back then lead the kids inside and helped them to carry the food we bought, i opened the door then saw mom, dad, Seungcheol and Jun in thw dining table. "oh you guys are back early, how was Australia?' i said then gave them a kiss on the cheek, ofcourse including Jun, he's my Fiance. "it was fine, not fun exactly but we met youre friend Chan and Felix." Suengcheol said "so did we" the Choi line said. "Chan chatted me saying that they'll comeback around Febraury 10" i said "should we tell them about the wedding?" mom asked "please dont tell more, just the event and the wedding" i said while my head is laying on the table. "the wedding and the place will be fine, and also the date too" Mom said.

"i'll go change, be right back." I said then headed to my room to change into some shorts and a croptop. I went down again to see them preparing the food. "Yah piggy bank! Dinner's ready!" Seungcheol said "first off, im not a piggy bank. Second, we both have slim waist." I said heading to the room, i sat beside Jun then the Choi line sat beside Seungcheol and mom, dad sat facing each other. "So, when will we get a gown?" Mom asked "actually we already did, we picked it up earlier. It's in Miya's room" Beomgyu said "oh, well can we see it?" Dad asked "uhh yeah sure." I said then headed to my room to get the gown

"Oh my it looks pretty! Who chose it? It really suits Miya

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"Oh my it looks pretty! Who chose it? It really suits Miya." Mom said "Yeonjun hyung chose it" Beomgyu said "you have a great taste Yeonjun." Dad spoke, "im going to put this back, no one's allowed to touch it until the wedding." I said then kept it in my closet that has a dividor for my dresses, gowns and outfits. Then i head back to finish eating. After a while we all finished eating then we cleaner the table and put all our plates in the sink. "I'll go wash the dishes." I said "i'll do it, take a rest. You must be stressed because of your lessons" Jun took over.

I left it all to him then i head to my room to change becuase im going to go practice some hardcore dances in my studio which is 1 Million studio. Eunwoo goes there sometimes when he wants to see me. I got downstairs seeing Jun on the couch while talking to the Choi line, "i'll head out, i'll just practice some dances in the studio" i said "okay be careful on the road, bye" Jun said then continued to talk to the Choi line. I got to the studio then in the practice room seeing Eunwoo inside. "Oh, Eunwoo what are you doing here?" I asked

"Nayeon..." he said "what happend to Nayeon?" I asked him "i dont know but all of the sudden i saw her with a guy.." He said, "do you like her?" I asked him "yeah but-" i cutted him "then confess to her, what does he look like?" I asked him "he wore a black shirt, a pale skin, black hair and he wore a hat." He described him, "it's Woozi. Both me and Woozi are good at advicing people when they like someone or that person likes you or anybody, so she's probably asking to give her advices on how to confess. Lets get you all together and i'll talk to her later." I said then rabbed him outside the building, we spent the day by wandering around the city then we got back by 9:00pm, "i guess i'll have to talk to her to,orrow, well i'll go now. Be careful on your way home" i said then waved "be careful too!" He shouted becuase i was far away from the studio. A few minutes i arrived home seeing them still awake, but i didnt see Jun around. "Where's Jun? Also where's Seungcheol?" I asked them "oh they went back to the building, they said they have dance practice tonight." Soobin said "okay.. i'll go to the building, mind if one of you come with me?" I asked them "i'll drive" "i'll come" "me too" they all said "you have to bring the kids, no one will watch them." I said then they rushed to get the kids and left. After a minute, we all arrived, the gaurds let the Choi line in but not me. "Im sorry but may i ask, who are you?" One gaurd asked "im the Choi line's cousin, Seungcheol's sister and Junhui's Fiancé." I gave them all thats relative to their question.

"You can come in." One gaurd eyed me with the kids on our way to the room. "Im assuming that loud music is coming from here." I said then pointed at the door, "ahh right, Annyeoseyo seventeen sunbaenim" Soobin said as he opened the door. "Ahh Soobin- omo who's child are they?" Vernon said while walking towards my direction. "Jinseo is Aunt Mingming's child and Yejun, we picked him when we were assigned on doing a project." I said giving Yejun to Vernon. "Aigoo he's so cute~" he said while playing with Yejun, i whispered something to Jinseo saying go to daddy Jun. "I'll be right back" i said as soon as i noticed Woozi wasnt there, "by the way where's Woozi's room?" I asked "oh.. i honestly dont know but you'll see a purple light inside, that's Woozi's." Minghao said and then i left the room. I went to find a purple lighted room which was around 10 steps. I knocked then as soon as i heard a come in, i came in. "Woozi? Youre a producer?" I asked him, "pretty much" he said "i used to be a producer too.." i said quietly while looking around

"What brings you here?" He asked "how's the talk with Nayeon?" i asked him "she asked for an advice because she wants to confess to Eunwoo, thats pretty much it." He continued on making a song, "hm, why dont you take a break and hang with us for an hour?" I said and he agreed, we got to the practice room seeing everyone quiet while looking at us, "what?" I asked "since when did you guys became friends?" One of them asked "wait, so youre telling me you didnt introduce me to them while im in Australia hanging out with the two of my friends?" I aksed Woozi "no, plus they wouldnt care about it." He said in English, "and since when did you learn English?" I asked him "to communicate with you, i tought you wouldnt understand Korean if i speak in Korean." He said "you little-" i grabbed his guitar then chased him around the room, until their manager came so we stopped "whats going on here? Oh and Hoshi, the choreographer resigned." He reminded Hoshi "what" thats all he can say "so you'll have to work with Miya" he said "im out, gotta check Eunwoo" i said leaving the room "oh and Wonwoo, your mom said im going too babysit you, i'll come by later." I said then left the room then i saw Wonwoo nodding then heading back to practice.


I got dressed to my decent outfit then assigned the Choi line to babysit the kids while i do Wonwoo. I rode a cab to head to the building, once i got there, the gaurds let me in. I looked for Seventeen's dorm then a few steps later, i saw it. I knocked on the door then Jeonghan opened it, "come in, Wonwoo's sleeping in his room. He'll wake up later. Why dont you sit while wating Wonwoo?" He said as he let me come in. "Uhh sure, i'll wait for Wonwoo." I said.

Its allmost midn imma sleep 11:59

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