Chapter One

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Louis POV:

I walked down ridge road passing the same old blue house. It was a typical Tuesday in your average suburban town. The rain fell lightly onto the dark pavement of the road as I carried myself to school. Another day of repeating the same old routine. It was nothing new to me, after  all I had just started my junior year of high school a few weeks prior.

As I watched the rain create puddles in the road I thought about my life. How I had come these last 16 alone with no one to share my experiences with. I honestly didn't mind being alone. It gave me time to think and you could never think too much.

School was not my favorite place, hell I didn't even know if I had a favorite place. I just continue to live the same routine day in and day out. Nothing special, nothing new.

Don't get me wrong my mom was great, she just works constantly and such long hours that we never see each other. My dad left when I was 7 because alcohol was more Important than having a family. I don't mind anymore tho because mom and I are happier without him.

Ahh but anyways I was a nobody at school. I had no friends, no one knew me, and I practically hid in the shadows. It was easier this way. I mean who would want to be friends with the weird kid.

God but then there was Harry styles. He was so popular, had all the friends, and just lived an amazing life. To say I was jealous of him would be an understatement. He was just perfect and loved in every single way.

I continued to think about the upcoming day as I approached the doors to my old worn down school. I reached forward and opened the Gray doors and began walking to my locker. Down the main hall, second right, and boom locker #996.

My locker had an old coat of light gray paint that was chipping off, along with rust beginning to overtake it. I opened my locker, grabbed my US History book and began to make my way to class.

I reached for the door and entered room B212 and made my way to my assigned unassigned seat. I sat in the back row in the seat closest to the window. It was nice, I would easily watch the rain fall and space out easier.

Nobody tended to sit next to me, it was if I didn't exist at this school. It's okay because in the end friends will only stab u in the back and turn on u. And as I always say, I am my own best friend.

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