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seoul, south korea

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seoul, south korea

april 23.

dear huang renjun,

hi love! it's summer in here, i wonder there? i think it's just the same. anyway we planned that we should go to china, but sadly, we don't have enough money. the boys really missed you though, me too, but we're understanding your reasons, and we love you. by the way since i really miss you, i worked at a convenience store so i can save up a money, even if that means i am just going alone there. thank God that i have such a good-looking face, that's why people have been coming around to the store. a lot of girls are trying to hit on me, but i remained loyal to you, i even told them that i have a very handsome boyfriend, and it's so funny that they looked sad and disappointed. i think if you come here, you'll become their crush too. i just wanted to say that i really really really love you, you're the best. happy monthsary love!

from your faithful boyfriend,

na jaemin.

renjun felt very assured by the latter's words. one of the reason, why he loves na jaemin: his words will always assure you, you will always feel the love.

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