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When Grandfather said that everyone started panicking asking each other where they last saw her and l quickly answered saying"I lastly saw her with Kyden there were going to the restrooms "l said.That is also when everyone noticed Kyden was missing. Shoot fudging hell l thought wait did l just say shoot and fudging aarghh this no cursing rule is messing with my mind.

You could see everyones terrified as my aunt's started crying not bothering to try and stay strong at what l said we lost them once and we turned cold and ruthless l don't think we will be able to survive if we loose them again.My thoughts were interupted by Marco"Wait right the walls of the restrooms here are made of heavy metal meaning they might be ok but seriously injured since the blast the walls "he said trying to be hopeful. That is when dad snapped out of his terrified state and said"Alessandro lead the men for the search with your brothers and some men to the restrooms and the rest come with me because Tyler and that waiter will know exactly we are called ruthless" he said in the coldest voice l have ever heard him use.

Once Alessandro called the men we all wore some protective gear since there was some fire and smoke everywhere from the explosion.We quickly made our way to the restrooms which took longer than we expected because of the smoke and fire.Seeing the state it was in it looks like the wall collapsed from the top and the door was jammed so our men had to knock it off.l know l am not a good person and l have sinned alot so God please don't punish my little sister and brother for my or our families sons especially Alessa she is just a child.

We walked in the room which was surrounded by pieces of the ceiling .lt was hard to see because of the smoke so we separated l went to the end of the room and saw a hand sticking out from part of the ceiling that had fallen .l shouted for some men to come .With the help of three other mean we managed to lift it up and we saw Kyden .Luckily his hand was intertwined with Alessa's.lt looks like he was carrying her when the explosion happened the ceiling fell on them and knocked them unconscious.

I quickly checked their pulses and there were so faint that if l was not trained l would have missed them.l quickly picked up Alessa as one of the men carried Kyden .l noticed bother their heads were bleeding and they had a quite a number of scratches and a lot of bruises on them.We quickly reported back to Alessandro who grabbed Alessa out of my hands as l quickly got in the driver's seat as Alessandro who has Alessa got in the passenger seat and Marco who now had Kyden went in the back as the rest of the family took different cars following mine  the hospital.

Alessandro had called the hospital in advance while we were in the car.So when we arrived they were immediately taken to the the operation room.It had been 30 minutes during that time everyone one was here including dad and the rest of the family when Kyden doctor came and said"The boy is still in a critical state .He has bruise that will take sometime to heal and a concussion .We put him in a medical induced coma for a few days to heal"he said and left .You could see the relief on everyone's  faces atleast his ok in the mean time but l was still worried about the critical part and Alessa . Especially since Alessa is five it had done more damage on her.

After another thirty minutes Alessa doctor came out with a sad look and said"Am sorry but l don't think she will survive"he said to which l screamed no and broke down and punched the wall over and over till my knuckles were badly bleeding.Trust me when l say this broke everyone even my  Grandfather had tears falling from his eyes.That is when we heard a monitor flatlining.

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