Chapter 3

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"B!" Beyoncé heard her husband call out, but she ignored him. She was so close now. She just needed to keep going.

She took another step, feeling anxious, but then she felt her husband hold her arm, stopping her.

"Beyoncé." He called again.

She fought him, trying to break free, but he wouldn't let go.

"B, wake up!"

She lost her breath, her eyes flew opened, and she looked up at her husband. He wiped sweat off her forehead and face, and helped her to sit up.

"You had another nightmare." Shawn said, but Beyoncé shook her head no as he handed her a glass with water from the jug he started to leave on the nightstand, to calm her down in nights like this.

"What was it?" He asked.

"I don't know." She said, still out of breath. She had been having those dreams throughout the week, but she could never remember much of it when she woke up. Just that feeling that she was close, but Shawn kept holding her back.

She drained her water and Shawn put the glass away. He pulled her closer to him so he could hold her as they laid down.

"Let's go back to sleep." He said kissing the side of her head. He wrapped his arms around her as tightly as he could, still keeping her comfortable and warm. He wanted to believe that if he was close enough to her, he would make her feel safe and those dreams would go away.


"Morning." Beyoncé said smiling when Shawn entered the kitchen.

"Morning." He replied slowly as he frowned at his wife. Not because she was in the kitchen making breakfast, but because she was in one of her pants suits. The kind she used to wear for work.

"You want coffee?" She asked.

Shawn nodded, still watching her. "You're going somewhere?"

"I'm going back to work. I called earlier and told them that I would be back today." Beyoncé said smiling.

"Are you sure that you're ready for that? I mean, it's only been a month or so."

"I can't stay home forever. I need to do something and since you are going back to work as well I thought that I could do the same."

Maybe she was right, Shawn thought. Maybe going back to work would be a step in the right direction. He was feeling a lot better. Even though what happened was still hurting him very much, he was learning how to deal with the pain. It was different with Beyoncé, though. She still cried a lot, and pushed their families away, so going back to work may help her.

"I guess that's good." Shawn managed to smile.

"Yeah... So, you want me to make you something for lunch?"

"So the boys can make fun of me...? Sure." He laughed.

That was another thing that he adored about his wife. Since the first time Beyoncé prepared him his lunch box, she would always hide love messages in it or cut his food in a heart shape. Shawn's colleagues always made fun of him and his lunch box, but although he would never admit it to his wife, he loved finding post-its in his sandwich saying that she loved him or that she couldn't wait for him to be back home.

"Don't worry, I will not embarrass you." Bey said with her back to him.

"You never embarrassed me. What time will you be back? Maybe we can go out for dinner?" Shawn asked after a minute.

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