Chapter 22

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Now everyone was mad at me.

Not that they told me they were but I felt it by the way they didn't mention it. I just knew it.
Especially Jack, who actually did make it clear that he didn't like my presence as soon as I walked into a room. I couldn't blame him. I revealed his biggest secret in front of everyone. Friends don't usually do that.

Brian, on the other hand, was more cheerful then I've seen him in a long while. Aparently Jack's coming out had been more than enough for him to forgive me and move on as if nothing happened.
It was annoying.
The more I spent time with him the more I realised that I didn't want to spend time with him. When I stayed in the bunk all day, grieving the friendships I lost, my boyfriend took his advantage of that by laying down next to me and cuddle, sometimes clearly requesting more.

On moments when we were done with his defenition of having fun and he pulled me closer, his fingers tangling into my hair, this feeling of being out of place was worse than ever for all I kept thinking about was Daniel doing the things Brian does to me.
And realising my idol did it much better.

But despite the fight we had and the amount of times during the day I spent missing him, my "relationship" with Daniel wasn't even my biggest problem right now.

The one time I have a friendship that is worth it, a friendship where there is no one making fun of me or talking bad behind my back and I had to mess it up.

I was laying in Brian's bunk, rereading my favourite comfort fanfiction for about the 3th time that day. Why would I bother to start another one when most of them end the exact same way? This one would stay the best in my opinion anyway..
It was a story about Daniel, falling in love with a trouble maker girl who in no way was interested in returning his affection. In the end they obviously got together.

I remember how I wished to be in that fanfiction when I first read it.
I also remember that I used to think I might have ended up in my very own fanfiction. But as days went by I started to become more and more aware that this wasn't the case and I was still the same old clumbsy Chelsea I've been since high school. Who the hell wants to read a fanfiction where everything goes wrong anyway?

I was just starting to read part 17, already knowing exactly what was going to happen, when suddenly someone pulled the curtains open and I recognized a curly headed boy peeking his head through. His face was red and his eyes sparkled as well as his bright smile.
Not really what you would expect after what we've been through a couple of days ago.
Maybe he had something excited to say to Brian. When he realises it is only me in the bunk, his smile will probably not last very long and he would go back to hating me as he did before.

"Move over we gotta talk." He demanded with a huge smile on his face.
Again I was caught by surprise by him proving my predictions wrong. What was it that he was suddenly so happy about? Last time I checked this guy was ignoring all the possible attempts I made to try and talk to him.
I did as he told me and he hopped next to me in the bunk where he sat on the sheet and gave me an exciting smile, leaving me even more curious about what was happening.

He took a deep breath to get everything straight before then he began. "So.. I know we aren't on the best terms right now but I just had to share this with someone and since you are the only one here I can talk to..." I waited nervously as he paused. His head was so read I got scared it was going to burst if he didn't get this off his chest. Maybe that was the reason why he came to me.
"Go on.." I encouraged, sitting up like he was too.

"Zach just asked me on a date."
My eyes widened while my mouth mirrored the wide exciting on his face. "No way.."
He nodded quickly and I couldn't help but to pull him into a hug. "Jack that's amazing!"

He hugged me back, making me smile more by the reducing space between him and I.
"You said yes right?" I asked, just to make sure he hasn't froze or freaked out like I would do if I was in his place.
But Jack pulled away and gave me a look as if I was crazy. "Duh. I've been wanting this for ages!"

I chuckled and pulled him back into the hug, happy as hell that I could do that again for he clearly didn't want to shoot me anymore.
"I'm so happy for you."
We stayed like that for a few seconds until I pulled away again and lowered my eyes down to my hands. "Look, I know I have tried to tell you for so many times now but you gotta know I'm really sorry about what I did. I shouldn't have blurted it out like that."
The chuckle that returned from him made me feel relieved. "Forget about it. It was wrong but it's okay. Who knows? Maybe if you didn't do it, I wouldn't have a date planned."

I smiled. "Good. I was thinking you never wanted to talk to me ever again."
"Just like you made a promise that you would never drink alcohol again or what?" He mocked my shoulder playfully as I grinned.
Although without alcohol none of this would've happened.
We were fine again it didn't matter.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked already turning the TV on.
"You know it" Jack replied and we snuggled up with snacks, ready to waste our time on treating horror like comedy movies.

Better than the fanfictions // Daniel Seavey // FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now