chapter 34

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There was no possible excuse for what we were doing. Me and Daniel, standing naked in the shower together. Something that was a bigger sign of cheating didn't excist.
Yet for some reason my stuttering voice tried to form something that looked like an excuse.

"Brian! I-.. I was just getting ready-"
He shook his head in disbelief. "You are such a whore. I can't believe it." Then he turned around and slammed the door close behind me.

"Fuck..." I whispered as I looked up at Daniel who was standing there uncomfortably. "I'm so sorry."
I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. The doorbell on the front door rang. Shit. The first guests could be there already.

I quickly put on my underwear and ran to mine and Brian's shared bedroom, leaving Daniel alone and confused in the bedroom. As quickly as I could, I changed into my clothes which were my purple trousers and white top. My hair was still wet and looking like a mess when I ran out.
I finally knew what I wanted.

A few of Brian's friends, people he duetted with and 2 of the why don't we boys, Zach and Jack were sitting on the couch already.
From across the room, my boyfriend (although I probably shouldn't be calling him that anymore) was staring at me with a look on his face that made him look like a psycho about to murder people.
Not at all the sweet guy I once thought I was dating.

I now realised how we must have ended this so long ago.
What did I get myself into.

When I was getting dressed I had been so certain about what I wanted. I would walk in, take off the little matching necklace we both have and tell him how we were done.

But now.. I just stood there, searching for words.

All eyes were on me as I just standing there, staring at Brian, nailed to the ground. I had two options. Either I would go and play pretend to be the happy cute couple we had pretended to be for 3 years now or I would tell him I was done like I wanted to.
The first one was probably what Brian wanted right now. The less embarrassing for him, the better. It was the easiest yet hardest way.

"Took you long enough Chelsea..."
The way he put extra pressure on my name where he'd normally call me baby made shiver. What in the emotional manipulation was this. I wanted to be the one confidently leaving the room right now but instead he was pushing me more and more down.
Well it wasn't like I didn't deserve it... after all I was the one cheating on him.

The tention in the room grew among with the silence and I cleaned my throat to break the awkwardness.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"

He shrugged but I knew he had been waiting for me to ask that. "Sure."
The two of us headed to the kitchen. As soon as I closed the door he started.
"You are such a slut. How many times did you fuck him behind my back, huh?"
I frowned and looked down at the floor. "He's only been back since 2 days ago. This is the first time I've seen him."
"So you immediately decide to take a shower with him?"

That indeed didn't sound any better.
"I'm sorry okay."
He shook his head in disgust. "No Chelsea. Sorry doesn't change that that idiot saw MY girlfriend naked. That he kissed what's mine."

He wrapped his hand around my wrist, violently pulling me closer to him as if once again he tried to claim me.
I pulled my hand back but he firmly held it. It was needless to say that he was way stronger than me, minding the hours he spent at the gym.
"Brian let me go."
He shook his head. His eyes were darker than their usual brown color and I was scared of what he would do next.
"You are mine."

I tried pulling my hand back again, harder this time and finally I got free but smacked with my back against the kitchen counter. I bit through the pain and looked at him again. He was terrifyingly calm.
"A-about that m-me being yours thingy-..." but before I could even finish saying what I had practiced saying when I was getting ready, his big hand slapped across my cheek.

I was peechless. He had never hit me before. Sure he had scolded at me and we had our fights but this was something even my overthinking mind could've never predicted.

A second time his hand hit my face.
"Don't you dare saying you want to leave me and move on. You're not."
I looked down. "N-no. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.."
"Good." And after saying that he turned around and went back to the living room.

I don't know what came over me but I just snapped. Like all the times before when I used to have anxiety attacks for no reason.
I thought I was rid of them after playing my first show on a big stage but apparently not quite.

My eyes started to get all watery, I lost the control over my breath and my hands started trembling. The world around me started spinning.
I sank down to the floor and started sobbing with my face in my hands. Why did I ever let it come this far.
Maybe I thought breaking up with him would be easier once I cheated with Daniel again but this only made it worse on me.

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