0. Prologue

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It could have been a common office in the city centre of Birmingham, but the truth is that it was actually the best office of the country.
Its secret was the unusual relationship between the boss - David Thanders - and his young employees. Let's be clear, nothing special was happening there, just trust and some deserved discipline.
The boss was a fit man in his early-forties who ran a really famous office full of newbies, young attorneys who had no idea what they were doing. His purpose was to help them becoming the best version of themselves.
The moment they were ready to leave the workplace they were supposed to be on the top ten of the best attorneys of the whole UK.
Mr. Thanders was pretty proud of his work.
At every job interview, he made it very clear what was expected from every employee, and what were the consequences if they did a poor job. At the bottom of every single contract, it explicity said that in case of misbehavior – instead of getting fired – the employee was supposed to submit to a spanking from him.
It's weird, I admit that, but surprisingly it showed its results.
Another pecularity of The Office was that there were just male employees. No females, not even one, or at least until Mr. Thanders didn't need a personal assistant.

8th September
Monday morning

«So, why did you leave your last employment?» Boss was intrigued by the red head woman in front of him. She looked professional and her curriculum talked by itself.

«I'm no newbie anymore, sir. I want to work for the best, and you apparently are».
Ariel Rowe was smart, competent, and passionate, every business man would have been honoured to have her as his personal assistant, but she didn't just want anyone as her employer, she wanted the best of them all, she wanted David Thanders as her boss.

«Honestly, I'm very impressed by your references, it seems like you know your doings, and I'd really like to work with you, Ms. Rowe. If it's fine with you, you can start tomorrow morning, but I think there's something we should absolutely discuss before you give me an answer».
David rummaged into his desk's drawer before pulling out one of the lawyers' contracts.

«You see, usually there are two types of different contracts here, the one I am handling you now it's the one I submit to my young attorneys. As you can see, at the bottom of it there's an unusual clause, it says that in case of any poor behaviour or insufficient job, I have every right to discipline my employees as I see fit. A typical punishment here is a sound spanking» Ariel stared at him flabbergasted, she took a second to recompose herself and to take a deep breath.

«Is that something I should agree as well before signing my contract?» David shook his head vehemently.

«Absolutely not! The only reason why I'm telling you this it's because I felt the need to inform you of what usually goes on in here. If you are going to work as my personal assistant you need to know everything is going on in The Office. Furthermore, if you decide to accept working for me, you'll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and that's non-negotiable, I hope you understand why» the boss looked at her expectantly, he didn't understand why he was so nervous about her, she wasn't the only candidate he had, but David had a good feeling about Ms. Rowe. She could have been the one.

Ariel stayed silent for a minute, intensely thinking about everything he said, keeping her mask of indifference on all along.

«May I ask the purpose of all this? Wouldn't it be easier to fire them if they are such trouble? Why taking the time to discipline them in such a childish manner, if they are not fit for the job?»

«See, the point is none of them is unfit for the job, but they are young and inexperienced, they all are meant to make mistakes, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be fired for it. Spanking them is a safe method to make them responsible for their own actions, and at the same time it lets me see how eager they are of learning and becoming the best version of themselves.
I know it's hard to take all this, Ms. Rowe. That's why I'm telling you all of it before you decide to sign anything.».

Ariel gulped, as she refused to look him in the eyes. There was a thought that was really troubling her.

«I'm sure you are always fair to your employees, sir, but you need to understand that if I suddenly see something that disturbs me or that makes me question your good intentions, I'll be the first one to report you to the authorities.
I understand that's how The Office works, but still I have moral obligations as your personal assistant but most importantly I have moral obligations as a responsible citizen. Am I made myself clear, sir?»
David was thrilled, she was everything he was looking for.

«I wouldn't expect anything less, Ms. Rowe. We'll add this clause to your non-disclosure agreement, you'll be able to report me if anything you'll judge unfit will happen» Ariel seemed quite satisfied with the man's answer. She felt confident in signing the contract.

«So, when do I start?».

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