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"Crew! Hey bud, what are you running away from?" My best friend was on his own again. He maybe a weird one, but I already bit him on that level. I tried to reach for his shoulder but I was always way too short on my reach that it made me fall on the floor.

I tried to pick myself up but my focus was only on Crew, trying to figure out what's wrong with him this time. "Wait up! You still hav---" I winced on a small pain I felt on my  right knee. God I hate being so fragile. I only recently had a therapy for my legs and me accidentally falling, yet again didn't help at all. Although that caught Crew's attention. ALL THE DAMN WORK. 

He rushed to my aid, as he helped me stand on my own. He didn't say anything though. It wasn't awkward but I can feel the tension between us, as he tried his earnest to avoid eye contact. "Thanks.", was all I could muster.

"Next time, try not to chase me. I, uh, just have to think things through." He picked my phone and my books from the floor and handed them to me. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Finally I can get some explanation!" I exclaimed. He seemed defeated by the way his eyes looked away from me. "Look, I'm not that pushy but at least tell me why you just stormed off."

Silence was still among us that lasted for an eternity. I hate him when he's like this, not getting to the point straightaway. And I'm always being the clueless one, trying to get to his deep thoughts. "You seemed to take a liking on the guy that kissed you earlier."

"Who? Sam? Ha, you must be kidding me. He may have done that but he's a total douche. I can never fall for a person like him, Unlike you... Wait, ignore the last part." Now I'm the one who's not looking at him. My heart started to pick up it's pace. Why did I just say that to him? I knew for the longest time that I liked Crew and if I am given a chance, I would like him to be my boyfriend. But I have imposed to myself that I would never be in relationship with him since I don't want to lose my best friend. Not that I am actually going to, it will just feel a little different.

I took a quick glance at him and he was blushing  deep red, like he's red as a tomato. "Seth, I like you and for the longest time, I never had the courage to tell you my real feelings towards you cuz you are my best friend. But I don't want to lie to myself anymore and more especially to you."

I turned my head to face him, eye to eye. We're still young and we barely have an idea on the concept of love but screw that. "I feel the same way to you, but I was scared that you might reject me and hate me. But now, it's clear to me and I have understood what I truly feel."

"Seth, I love you and if you will give me a chance, can I be your boyfriend?"

"Crew, I love you too and I would love you to be my boyfriend."

There we were, in the middle of the crowd. slowly coming together face first, lips second. It does feel right and light when that small burden that I've carried for a long time has been lifted. I am truly in love with Crew.

I awoke to the small movement and the loss of warmth that was filling me. But it eventually came back and I snuggled closer to Crew. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the faint light in my room as I looked up to him. He's such a good looking guy that I don't want to miss him or forget what he looks like. "Good morning sunshine." He kissed my forehead. "Good morning, handsome." I softly replied. 

We never said a word or two for a while when I decided to get up and put on a robe. "I will make us breakfast." He laid their with his bare chest and only his bottom half covered with the blanket. I took one last look at him, with a smug smile, before closing the door and made my way to the kitchen. 

As I went back to the bedroom with our food on the serving tray, I saw the door was now slightly opened. He must be teasing me already.  I thought to myself. But when I opened the door, I saw Crew sitting on the bed, holding for what it seemed my necklace with a ring in it.

He felt me coming in as our eyes met. His were pretty puffed and red. "When are you planning to tell me about this?"

Suddenly, reality hit hard. 

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