Chapter Fifteen

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     The following summer, Odette had spent most of her time training under two different duelling tutors, both of which had previously taught her brothers. It seemed a bit excessive but after what happened with the centaur, her father wanted her to learn how to properly duel and defend herself. It was exhaustive and time consuming, but the lessons were a welcomed distraction from her thoughts.

Aside from her restless sleep and the growing unease of The Dark Lord's return, she had Draco to worry about. He had stopped writing back after the second week of summer break. Odette had wanted to visit the Malfoy manor to check on him, but her father had forbade her.

"It's not safe to go off wandering. Not now." He had said with no room for arguements.

So she had spent her summer mopping around the house, attending her lessons, sitting in the garden with her Kneazles and appeasing her low-spirited mother once Alistair had left to London for his Auror training. When Odette wasn't preoccupied with all that, she was writing letters that would garner no responses.

Draco must have his reasons for not writing back to her, she reasoned with herself. Yet it was a worry that plagued the forefront of her mind.

By the second half of summer, she finally heard the news that Lucius Malfoy was facing trials for his crimes as a Death Eater. Odette's father had been keeping the on-going trials hidden from her, defending his decision on the sole reason that he did not want her to be associated with an incarcerated Death Eater's son. It would do her no good.

Infuriated that her father would think that of Draco, she refused to speak to him for days. Left without an option, he caved in and brought her along with him to the Ministry of Magic on the final hearing of Lucius' trials. Odette waited in the lobby for hours until she spotted Draco and his mother. They were flanked by lawyers and representatives while reporters of the Daily Prophet took pictures of the pair.

The instance Draco saw her, his face fell. It was only for one brief moment but surprise, guilt and shame flashed across his features before his mask was back on and his expression had hardened.

He excused himself from his mother's side to approach her. Once he was within reach, they watched each other wordlessly. Odette looked him over and noticed how gaunt he was beneath his well put-together appearance. She tried to read his expression and eyes, but he was carefully guarded.

"I'm sorry for not writing back. I know I should of at least let you know why I couldn't," he said after a moment and Odette nodded in understanding.

"It's okay, Draco." She gave his hand a reassuring touch. He hesitated for a moment before turning his hand to hold hers. "I came as soon as I heard about when the hearing was."

"Thank you," his voice was clipped and cold. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry at all."

She studied him closely then sighed as she reached up to carefully touch his face. "If there's anything I can help you with, anything at all... you'll let me know, won't you?"

It took him a moment before he nodded. "Of course."

Wordlessly, Odette wrapped her arms around him in consolation. She rested her cheek against his chest as she moved her hand up and down his back in soothing motions. Draco stiffened for a brief moment before she felt his arm snake around her small frame. One of his hand came to rest on the back of her head and she felt the beginning of tears burn at her eyes.

She didn't know how to explain it but she could feel him pulling away from her. Somewhere behind that guarded wall, Draco was withdrawing emotionally. She could feel it in his touch, in his hesitation.

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