Chapter Two: Angel

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Dear Little Brother,

 I know we have talked through letters for awhile now, and I know that we have since made amends for the things I've done in the past to you and Lena. However, I still feel guilty for leaving you two to fend for yourselves with him. I cannot change what I did when I was young, I did not know the repercussions of my actions. 

I write to you today to inform you, I am coming home. For the first time in 7 years, I will be back in our hometown. I will see you and Lena face-to-face for the first time since I left. I am beyond nervous at the homecoming I will receive, but just know that I love you and Lena. 

Ever since our Mom died I have only had you and Lena. No one else. Which is the main reason my guilt remains. I know we have discussed this time and time again, but I am truly sorry, Little Brother. I should have never left you two alone with him. He never laid a hand on you while I was around. I just thought that it would stop when I left, never thought he would start on you. I am so so sorry. Even losing my hand did not hurt as bad as the building guilt.

I already have a place set up for me to stay when I arrive in town. It has  3 bedrooms. You and Lena can stay whenever you want or need to. My door is always open to you guys. I will send you the address when I get settled in.

Until we meet again,


My back throbbed from the bruises that littered my back as I sat, reading my brother's letter. I have not seen him in 7 years. All I felt was anger towards him then, but we have since made amends. Would this be an awkward encounter? Probably. Everything seems awkward to me. 

My brother was in the military and had been discharged due to losing his hand. Gotten into some sort of an accident that he wouldn't go into details on. He had been there since he turned 18. I hadn't seen him since that day he left.

I was prepared to see some PTSD in him. He didn't tell me how he lost his hand, but I could tell it was traumatic for him. Who knows what other traumatic experiences he has had over the years.

I don't hate my brother in the slightest. At first, maybe, but not anymore. I understand why he left us now. At the time I thought he was just running away and being a selfish coward. I didn't fully understand what had been happening to him. He shielded us from that, and when he wasn't there anymore the truth became crystal clear just how much abuse he had shielded from us. I now do the same for Lena.

I groaned as my alarm went off to signal it was almost time to leave for work. I recently took a second job on so I could afford to send Lena to the summer camp she had been talking nonstop about. She deserved it and I would make it happen. God knows our father wouldn't. He would probably just get more beer and sneer at us while he drank.

I finished putting my uniform on and made a plate of food for Dad's dinner. If I didn't do that before I left I would come home to find my room trashed and my stuff busted. I didn't have much but what I did have was precious to me. So I tried to keep the drunk at bay.

"Lena! Let's go, I gotta get you dropped off before work!" I call out. My little sister was staying at a friend's house tonight. I wanted to limit her time with Dad as much as possible.

Lena came running down the hall, hair bouncing behind her,  and dives into me with a hug. "Thank you for taking me over to Amy's house!" 

"You're welcome, Lenny." I drag her towards the door. I preferred having somewhere to take her when I wasn't home because I never knew when Dad was gonna turn on her. To date he has only ever lifted a hand towards her a handful of times, but usually it is aimed toward me. I preferred it that way. "Now let's get going, silly goose."

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