Chapter Four: Ronan

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Distant gunfire sounds as I run, leading my team of  3 into the seemingly abandoned building. It was far from it. We had one job to do this night. Placing bombs strategically and getting the hell out of there before they go off. Another team distracted the enemy fire while we went in to sabotage their operations.

"We've placed the last one, Sir." One of the men whisper. I nod in acknowledgement and motion for them to head toward the exit. This mission has gone smoothly. Maybe a little too smoothly.

As we run by an open door one of the soldiers stop. "I think they left some intel on that table! We can use it to our advantage." Before I can stop him they two men run into the room.

I barely get to the door when I hear an explosion that knocks me far backwards into the big broken window. I hear the other bombs begin to go off throughout the building. The wall rattles and in my daze I barely notice the glass shaking before it falls towards me.

I wake up with a start and quickly glance at my surroundings. A bus. I'm on a bus. I wipe a hand down my face and look at it, the phantom pain of the glass cutting through my skin flaring up. That day in my dream still fresh in my mind.

"How long did you serve?" I hear a raspy voice from across the bus. I look up to see an older man staring at me, a knowing look on his face. His head sported a veteran's cap.

"7 years, Sir. Would probably still be if this hadn't happened." I gesture to my prosthetic.

"I served 20 years. Put my wife though hell, God rest her soul. Someone special at home for you, young man? Wife? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?"

I shake my head. "No. No wife, just coming home to my little brother and sister. I'm sorry for your loss, Sir."

"Thank you, Son. This is my stop. Go find you someone to spend your life with."

I smile and shake his hand. "I'll try. Thank you for your service, Sir."

"And yours." With that the man was gone.

I was glad to be seeing my siblings again, and maybe I will find somebody like the man said 

I shake my head just as the sign for my stop comes up. I can't believe I am home. The bus comes to a stop and I make my way to the door as the driver gets off to unload the bags underneath. I only have a small duffle bag, full of all my belongings. It wasn't much.

My first stop was to pick up the car I had bought and then settling in the new house. Everything looked different from what I remember. It's been so long, hopefully I can find my way around.

Placing my hands in my pockets I started walking towards the car lot, just a couple blocks from the bus stop. I was also going to try to get a job there while I was at it. I went to high school with the owner's son. His son also used to be my closest friend.

I looked around the lot for a few moments before seeing the car I purchased. It was a lot nicer than it looked in the picture. A nice sleek gray color.

"Well, well, well. I must be seeing things, because I think I'm seeing Ronan Gray." I hear from behind me. I turn to see my old friend.

"Adam! Long time no see, huh?" I shake his hand.

"Long time indeed. I thought you were gone for good, never looking back. So I can honestly say I was surprised to receive your application for a car."

"Well, at first I had every intention of not coming back. As I got older I realized I had to, for my siblings. Angel is an adult already, but I was going to look into getting custody of Lena."

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