Sometimes you have to except that things will never go back to the way they were

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"EVIE!" My mother called "Yes mother" and I responded "Get Down Here Now!"  "Okay, what do you want?" "I need you to go down to the watering hole" She said "But I already went today, why can't Margie or Caleb go?" I asked "Because they don't have to" "And why is that?" I smirked "Because I said so" "That's not a reasonable answer... mother" I scoffed "Do you want me to get your father?" "I'm not scared of my father, you are" "I'm not scared of your father, and even if I was how would you prove it" She explained "Because you're scared that if you don't do your own dirty work he will punish you like he punishes me" I explained "So you make me do everything and make him believe you did it so I get hit and not you" "That's not true"  "Oh really. Okay, wait here" I said walking away "Father?" I asked "Yes dear" He replied " I'm sorry to interrupt, but I would like to inform you that Mother isn't going down to the water hole like you asked and is sending me. And also I would like to say that she does this everyday when you ask her to do something. And she does this so you don't hit her but you hit me instead" I explained "And how can you prove this?" "Well, yesterday you sent mother to the watering hole and I went with her, when we returned she didn't have the pot I did. She didn't even go half way because there were animals there at the time. So she sent me down to fetch the water" I explained "Yes, I did remember seeing that and I also noticed that when you returned you had a bad bite on your arm, is that also from fetching the water" He added "Yes, there were some pretty dangerous animals at the watering hole at the time" I mentioned "I see. Well, I will deal with this right now. But not violently right away. Can you hold this for your father and stay by me this time not in the middle so if she tries to grab it again I can stop her'' He explained "Of course" "Mary" He said "Yes Ronald'' She answered "My daughter, explained that you have been sending her to do all your chores instead of you doing it because I'm working, is this true?" He explained "No, No, No. She never does her chores'' Mother explained "She always does her chores, she cleans up after you, she goes to the watering hole when she is told even if it's not her turn. She does everyone else's chores and her own, but you can't even give her the simple pleasure of a thank you" He explained"You think that because she is younger, that she doesn't get the same favoritism of those two upstairs. You send her to work, to clean, to tidy up messes she never makes and you say that it's all her fault. I can't even remember the last time those two did their chores, they just sit upstairs and do nothing all day and yet Eve can't even get a break from doing chores for five seconds"

"Yesterday you went half way and sent her with the pot to an active watering hole. When she got home she was bleeding. She has a deep bit in her arm and what she did. She did her chores before she even put a bandage on it." He finished "That's not fair, she's the worst child of all of them. She deserves to be punished for the way she speaks to me!" Mother exclaimed "And you know why! BECAUSE YOU TREAT HER LIKE A DOG AND NOT LIKE YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!!" He yelled "SHE'S NOT MY DAUGHTER" My mother yelled back "THEN WHAT IS SHE TO YOU?" My dad yelled "A MUTT. SHE IS AN UNSPEAKABLE AND UNWORTHY LITTLE MUTT" My mother exclaimed "What?" "You think I'm a mutt" I asked sadly "How, how am I unworthy" "Because you do nothing! You just sit around and I have to do everything" She explained "Nothing. Try going down to the water hole and having to worry about some guys in the bushes hunting you" I continued "TRY NOT BEING ABLE TO SIT DOWN FOR TWO GODDAMN SECONDS TO TAKE A BREAK FROM DOING EVERYTHING. I COOK, I CLEAN, I GET ATTACKED MY ANIMALS TRYING TO GET WATER FOR YOU. I do everything for you because you're too lazy to do it" I said crying. "Margie, Caleb come to the stairs please" My father said "COMING"  "What's up" Caleb said "When was the last time you did your chores" Father asked "Um, we never do our chores, mom always says Eve can do them" They explained "And you say you don't do that" Father said to mother "You guys can go, I'll call you if I need you" Father said "Eve, you okay?" Margie asked "Actually Margie can you take her to your room for a bit to calm down" Father asked "Yeah... Yeah of course" Margie said waiting for me "Go on dear, I'll come check on you in a minute" "We're not done" Mother smirked "Yes you are, you're done with Eve, she's not your daughter" Father explained "Come one" Margie said waking me up the other half of the stairs. "I heard what mother said, and I'm sorry for what you've been through. I had no idea" Margie explained "That's okay, just I'm kinda upset still" I added "Here, let's clean up those tears" Margie said grabbing a tissue "Okay" "Hey, Margie. Do you have my tape" Caleb asked walking in "Um.. Yeah it's on my desk next to my blue book" Margie said "Okay, thanks" Caleb said grabbing it "Thanks.. Eve, you okay" He said looking down at me "Yeah, I think so". Everything that just happened was just stuck at the front of my mind, I could hear Mother saying it over and over again in my head, that I wasn't her daughter that I was a mutt to her and that I was useless. Am I really a mutt, an ungrateful child that is unworthy of any love whatsoever from anyone.

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