Death is not the opposite of life, It's apart of it

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"EVIE, EVIE!" Father called "MARGIE!" Father called "YEAH!" She responded "Can you wake up your sister?" Father asked "She's not here" She replied "Where is she then?" Father asked "She went down to the watering hole" She replied "Which one?" Father asked "The bigger one" Margie replied "Okay, I'll go see her" Father said, grabbing his coat. Father walked down to the larger of the two watering holes to find me, when he arrived I was in the water or at least my feet were. As he touched my shoulder I jumped and grabbed his hand and twisted it cause I wasn't expecting him to be there. "OW!" He yelled "Sorry, I'm assuming Margie told you where I was" I said "Well, I thought you were still in bed then she told me were you told her you were going and she said that it was this one so I decided to check it out and see if you were here" He explained "Okay" I added "So, why are you here anyway?" Father asked "I just couldn't sleep so I came here, and Margie is always up but I left before she woke up and I left a note so she would find it" I explained "When did you get out here?" Father asked "I don't know, like an hour ago, I walked around the lake for a bit" I explained "Okay, well did you see anything?" He asked softly "I saw some deer and some birds but that's all" I added "Okay, well you've been out here for a while so let's go back" He said standing up. "No, I think I'm going to stay here for a little bit longer, besides I need to get fresher water so I need to go on the other side of the lake, so I'll stay here then go get it and then come back" I explained "Okay, take your time" He replied. As Father walked back up I began to think about the chances that mother was right. That I am unworthy or unbelievably unworthy. But a mutt, I think that's too far. As I went to collect the water I had to walk all the way around the lake to the other side and to get the freshwater with leaves for mint. Mother always says to get mint leaves, all though she never uses them for cooking. I collected the water and headed back home. It was quite far from the lake so I took a shortcut that led to the back of the house, once I got there I walked around to the front. "Mother I got the water..." I said. The house.. It's empty, where did everyone go, where did everything go, Mother, Father, Margie, Caleb. All of them are gone. "MOTHER!?" I yelled "FATHER!?" I screamed "MARGIE CALEB!?" I continued to scream. "Where are all of you?" I asked myself. I was all alone, no parents, no money. No food, No water. No home. Everything was gone from top to bottom like, if you were gone for years. No one was left here. I was all alone, not a soul confined in, nowhere to call for help, just Acres and Acres of forest. Nothing to help me find my parents, my family. Nothing around could help, no one was around. We were the only ones here. The only other way to civilization was across the tides, 7 miles away. I would never survive. But why, why would my parents leave me here, to die. "What, where did they go?" I asked myself "Why, why did they do this" I said out loud. How could they do this? Why would they? What did I do so wrong to deserve this? I can't believe this is happening. These were all the thoughts flowing through my head and just distracting me from everything. The only thing I could do is hope and pray. Pray that whatever is going on is temporary. Everything is temporary right? Nothing is permanent, everything can be changed. Maybe that will happen, maybe not, who knows. All I know is that I am alone and scared. But what I don't know is the reason my parents and siblings would leave me, 11 years old abandoned.

Who thought that for everything I've done for my family, that they would just take that and squash it like an ant on the ground. I've been beaten and broken by my family for no reason but I knew that it was best for my family. I had my life broken, time and time again, FOR WHAT! Nothing, Absolutely nothing. I can't get a break from it, and the one time I get it, it gets taken and I'm left alone abandoned or my family hates me for it. Everything that happened to me, or all the bad and cruel things that happened to me. And my parents and siblings. Go and leave me here to fend for myself. I don't even know how to hunt, so how am I gonna survive.

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