𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Sherlock leaned against the worktop, his elbows leaning against the counter with his head pushed into his hands. Pain and regret rushed through his body, encasing his heart and drenching his soul.

But he fought the mind-numbing agony with the single thought, the single hope, that he had done the right thing and kept her safe. And that was the most important thing to him right now. The one thing he would die doing.

Keeping Y/n safe.

His thoughts were suddenly disturbed by a loud, piercing sound. His phone had started to ring, vibrating excessively on the kitchen counter, almost screaming at him to answer. Sherlock frowned as he lifted the screen up, expecting the caller to be none other than his soul mate to make an apology. There was no way he could answer and refrain from confessing his own love for her.

But his frown wavered as he read the caller ID: Lestrade.

As he put the phone to his ear, his stomach flipped as if his subconscious knew something before his mind did.


"Sherlock," Lestrade's voice seemed strange, as if it were void of emotion.

"What is it this time, Gerald?"

The receiving ear sighed lightly, as if restraining himself from correcting the detective. "A collision between two cars on the motorway, Sherlock, bu-"

"A car crash?" He scoffed.

"Yes, Sherlock, but it-"

"You really have reached a low point, what's so special about a car crash?"

"No, Sherlock, you don't understand. It was Y/n's car."


Present Day


And now here he was.

All he had wanted to do was keep her safe. And in the process of doing so, he had put her in even more danger.

He had been so stupid, allowing her to drive on her own in the state she was in, at night with the torturous snow.

Sherlock's tear-filled eyes walked over the deep purple bruises on Y/n's delicate skin, lingering on the streak of black and blue that stretched from her left temple to her chin. He gazed at the sharp red scratches that marked her body like an army of razer cuts, blotting her pallid tone with angry, deep scars.

He leaned over and gently brushed a strand of her hair from her face, tucking it around the cannula, behind her ear.

Sherlock hated the cannula that sat under her nose, looping behind her ears and connecting at the hollow of her neck, disappearing beneath the clinical white sheets. He hated the fact that Y/n had to be connected to all these machines in order to breathe, in order to live. All because of him.

He had believed it to be his moment of greatest strength, letting her go to keep her safe.

But as he sat here, his warm hand on her cold, unmoving one, he realised how weak he had been. He had been pushing her away so that he didn't have to deal with the strange emotions that he had begun to feel. He pushed her away for himself.

So she had to wake up. She had to.

Because he needed to tell her that he did care about her, that he loved her and needed her.

He leaned over, brushing his lips against her ear, "Y/n, I love you. I love you so much. I do. Don't ever forget that, please. Don't forget that."

Sherlock prayed to a God he didn't believe in. He wished on stars he knew to just be balls of gas. He begged to the Universe that doesn't care about individual lives. But nothing could be so cruel to take away the one person who loved him. The one person who was willing to spend the rest of their life with him, even when there were 7 billion other people in the world. Nothing could be so cruel as to tear the one person he really loved away from him.

But life is cruel.


A very abrupt ending, I know.

I don't know if this one's any good or not, it's sort of weird because the chapters are really short, but I like using chapters for ~~ AFFECT ~~
I promise, I'll do some happy ones soon.

*evil laugh*

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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