Chapter 18

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Elizabeth's POV

"George, passs the mistletoe", I say, holding my hand back. He places it in my hand and I throw it into the cauldron. We're in potions, and George and I were working on Amortentia. "Excuse me, Professor, but I need to borrow Eli- Ms. Elie for a moment", I hear Lupin say up at the front of the classroom. "How did we not notice him walk in?" I hiss at George. "Because you were too engrossed on your surgery to notice", he jokes, still standing with Snape. "Curse your abilities Lupin!" I hollar. He laughs and beckons me to follow him as he wwalks out of the classroom. "George, it's done, so you'll be fine to just sit here and not blow anything up", I whisper. He nods and I run out. "What's up Lupin?" I ask. He turns to me, a serious look in his eyes. "Elizabeth, Sirius was sighted in Hogsmeade recently, and I'm afraid he may come after you", he says, holding my shoulders. "I just wanted to tell you to stay inside as much as you can, and try not to be alone" I nod my head, scared out of my mind, and look around. There's no one around and you can't see us from any classroom, so I quickly lean up and and peck his lips. "I love you Elizabeth, stay safe", he mumbles against my lips. "I love you too", I whisper, and head back to class. "Is everything alright Elizabeth?" asks George. I nod my head. "Was this about Hogsmeade?" he asks out of the side of his mouth. I nod my head. "How did you know?" He shrugs. "He loves you, and if a mass murderer was sighted around Hogwarts, he would be the first to come and tell you to be safe" I smile to myself. "Thanks George, that means a lot", I saay to him. He smiles broadly. "Anything for you love", he says, putting an arm ariund my shoulder. For the rest of potions, George and I played a muggle game where you make your fingers into a muggle american football goal post and try to score a paper ball in the goal. The rest of classes were uneventful, except for, you guessed it, DADA. "Hey Elie, where were you last night? You didn't come in", says Angelina 'sweetly'. I give her a broad sarcastic smile. "Actually, Angie, I did come in. I'm a Ravenclaw, remember? I only crash at Gryffindor sometimes", I say, talking slowly like she's stupid, which in some sense of the word, she is. She smiles back at me. "Really? Are you sure? Because you had detention with Lupin last night, and no one knows what you and your werewolf powers could've done to him", she says. I roll my eyes. "Look Johnson, I'm not you, so stop assuming I'd try to kiss Proffesors in the halls" She turns pink and turns around in her seat, glaring at the front of the room. "Hello, class, since the holidays are coming up (I don't care if they already passed, Christmas is coming!) in three weeks, I've decided that this will be our last unit before we break" Everyone cheers, and I roll my eyes. This wasn't potions! I actually enjoyed this class, and no it's not because of a certain werewolf. "Hey Elizabeth, thought about going home?" asks Angelina, smirking. I feel a few tears well in my eyes, but I blink them away, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. "Actually, no. Not for a second", I answer, feining strength. She look staken aback that I handeled it so well, but turns around to figure out another way to plot my demise. "Anyway, as you know, this subject isn't a very important topic in our curiculum, I'm giving you off for a week or so before we begin to review", he says. More people cheer than before, but again, I roll my eyes. "What's wrong Lizzie? Feeling sick?" she snarls. "Actually", I say, smirking at George who was seated with Fred a few tables away, "- not at all. I feel better than I have in a long time", I answer. I can see George clutching at his sides, trying not to fall off his chair. A few people gave him funny looks, but the rest just disregarded it as George Weasley disrupting class. -.- "But what about your problem? I'll be sure to lock my doors so you don't eat me or my dorm mates you stupid half breed monster!" she shrieks. I can feel the tears in my eyes, and this time I can't stop them. I pick up my bag and run out of the room. "Mr. Weasley, I'll laeve you in charge", says Lupin as I run.

Remus' POV

Elizabeth gets up and runs out of the classroom in tears. Fred Weasley rounds on her and George looks likes he's about to get up. "Mr. Weasley, I'll leave you in charge", I say, running out after Elizabeth and leaving a shocked class full of kids behind me. I see her hair whip around the corner and tear after it. I ended up running all the way to the Black Lake following her. I saw her collapse on the ground and bury her head in her hands. I sit down beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Elizabeth, don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about", I soothe. "Yes she does! She's right! I'm a monster and I have no place being here!" she cries, burying her face in my chest, I run my fingers through her hair absentmidedly, trying to calm her. "Elizabeth, love, you know that's not true. You're just an innocent girl infected with a very misunderstood disease. It doesn't matter what you are one night, once a month, so that's twelve nights out of three hundred sixty five, which leaves you three hundred fifty three nights to be Elizabeth. It's not the being within that mattersm but the helpless girl inside, struggling to be understood" She looks up at me, her face sticky with ehr tears, I wipe a few away and move her hair beside her ear and cast a confundus charm so to anyone but us, it would look as if we were talking. I leaned in and placed my lips on hers, wrapped in arm around her waist to pull her closer. She rests her hands on my chest and slowly kisses back, savoring the moment. "I love you", we whisper at the same time. I smile and lean in to kiss her one last time before we return to class. "It doesn't matter what people say. I have you and that's all that matters", she mumbles, taking my hands and resting her forehead against mine.

Not For a Second; Remus Lupin love storyWhere stories live. Discover now