Chapter 1

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Chptr. 1

Elizabath's POV

As I stand up in the compartment, I become light headed. I have to get my Wolfsbane from Madame Pomfrey after the feast. I stand on the chair to retrieve my ybag, but I'm too weak to pick it up. I'm loosing energy, and fast. Lupin takes my bag down for me. "My friends used to have to help me, too", he says, knowingly. I smile in thanks before dragging my bag to a carrige with the twins, Lee and Oliver. George lifted me off the carrige and carried me to the Gryffindor Table. I poke his shoulder and point to the Ravencal Table. "You're a Gryffindor today"", he smiles. "Where will I sleep?" I asks quietly. Everyone who heard gawks at me and I hide my face in my hair. "You'll just ask Proffesor Lupin to carry you; he seemed to be quite fond of you", he said once eveeryone had gone. I look up to see Professor Lupin staring at me. He quickly looks away and I look back at a smirking George. I stick my tongue out at him and eat my mac 'n' cheese. After the feast, I had George carry me to the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey handed me my potion, I downed it, ran to Room of Requirement, chained myslef in and waited for the pain to overtake me.


I stumble into my dorm and crash. When I wake up I have a splitting headache. I go to the Great Hall to retrive my Timetable. My last two classes are Double Defense and Transfiguration. 
                                                                                    Skippin to Double Defense because I can

Only a few more hours before I can get rid of this headache and go to sleep. I walk into thte room, the first one there.I stand in the middle of the room, barren but for and old wardrobe, violently shaking. I take out my wand and make my wolf patronous dance around the room. I hear clapping and turn to see Professor Lupin standing there. "Hello, Ms. Elie" "Professor" More people start to file into the classroom. "Oh, Ms. Elie, come with me please" I follow him into his chambers. He hands me a vile of Amortentia. "What do you smell?" I take a whiff. "Chocolate, trees, and the air after it rains" He nods anad hands me a different vile. "Drink this", he says. "I drink the potion and instantly feel better. "What was that?" I ask. "It's a potion Professo Snape gave me, mucuh like a hangover potion, but for werewolves. I drank half and saved the other half for you" I smile before flinging my arms around his neck. He hesitantly higs me back, but quite tightly. I jump away from him. "I'm sorry! It's just, no onne's ever done anything like that for me before" "Its no problem. Now come, let's get to class" We walk back into the now full classroom (and for thise of you who remeber, Lupin says classroom real funny ) and eveyone's staring at us. Mostly me. "It's only been a day, slut!" shouts Angelina Johnson. Thta;s right, I share this clas with Gryffindors. "Detention tonight at eight with Snape or Filch, your choice Ms. Johnson", he says. Angelina gawks at him. "Problem Ms. Johnson?" he asks. She quickly closes ehr mouth and shakes her head no. "Good. Now, today we will be attacking some Boggarts. Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?" No one raises their hands, so I volunteer. "Ms. Elie?" I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "A Boggart is a shape- shifter that turns into a person's worst fear. The repelling charm is 'Ridikkulus' but laughter really finishes it off" Angelina glares at me. "Excellent, amazing, ten points to Ravenclaw!" All the Ravenclaws plus Fred and George - mostly George- cheer for me. "Alright now everyone form a line. Come on now" We all line up. I'm fourth. Yeah! Note the sarcasm. Angelina, Katie Belle, and Alicia Spinnet are in front of me. Once it was my turn, I stepped up, already knowing what my Boggart would be. A Full Moon appears in front of me. I can feel my face pale. "R- Ridikkulus", I stutter. The moon turns into a cow's head. Interesting. After class, I was walking to Transfiguration when I heard Angelina. "Elie's Boggart was a Crystal Ball. She must fear Divinatin because it can show her how lonely and ugly she'll look in the future!" I roll my eyes and keep walking until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see......

"Professor Lupin", I say quietly. "Could you come with me for a moment?" he asks. I nod my head and we begin to walk back in the diredction I came from. Everyone was either in class or outside so he talked freely to me in the halls. "I suppose you didn't that potion this morning because Dumbledore, Poppy and I are the only ones who know" I nod my head. "I even make my own Wolfsbane", I say. He smiles sympathetically at me. By now we were in his classroom. "How about, after every Full Moon, you come to my classroom after breakfast, and I'll give you half of my potion" "I couldn't do that Professor, I'd feel guilty", I mumble. "There's nothing to be guily about. I'm giving this to you becasue I want to", he says, putting a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him, sigh in defeat after Lunar looks into his eyes, and nod my head. "Good, I'll walk  you to class. Where were you headed?" I show him my Timetable and he steers me out of his classroom and to Professor McGonagall's. Once we reach the class, everyone's eyes turn to me once again. 'Wow', I see Angelina mouth to her group of friends. "I'm sorry Professor, I needed to ask Ms. Elie something that held her up from coming to class" McGonagall nods her head. "That's quite alright. Ms. Elie, take your seat. I nod my head, smile at Lupin, and take my seat in between my ginger twins. As soon as class ended I legged it to the Great Hall. I sat alone at the end of the Ravenclaw Table. That is, until Fred and George sat on either side of me and kissedmy cheeks. "You seem downn", says Fred. George puts an arm around me, lightly squeezing my bum. 0.O "It's about the whole Angelina thing, isn't it?" he asks. I nod and my eyes well with tears. "She's just bad news", says George. He knows me so well, it's scary. I feel like I can relate better to him than with Fred. Not that I don't love him too, but you know. I look at Professor Lupin only to find him glaring at the twins and I. 

                                                                           Remus' POV

I see one of the Weasley boys grab at Elizabeth. My Elizabeth. I growl quietly. I love everything about her, and I don't think it's just Moony talking. I really want this girl. And if we're mates, then the Ministry of Magic can't stop us from being together, even if she's my underaged student. It's considered legal, so I could have her. But woulod she want me? "Remus", says Dumbeldore, making me jump. He chuckles. You should go for her. She seems to like you too, you know. I know about you two hugging. The way you hugged her I'm sure she knew something was up" I look at Elizabeth, going back to glaring at Mr. Weasley, when she looks up, then quickly looks back down, looking sad, scared, hurt, and... heartbroken?

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