Chapter 6: whats wrong mama's?

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{A.N~ y'all sorry I've been so inconsistent lately but this chapter is gonna be a little different, trust me y'all. Ima add the dates from now on and where they are and stuff like dat. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.}

-Kentrell Gaulden POV-
-15th June 2018-
-Kentrell's house-

"Who's a pretty baby? U are! U are!" I said tickling Gracie a little. She don't wanna laugh. I mean she smiles and it looks like she wanna but no sound comes out.

I picked her up kissing all over her face making her smile. She has the most perfect smile in the world, I love that about her. Today me, her and Iyanna are going baby shopping.

At first I thought it was a bad idea, but then afterwards I just left it alone. Didn't wanna upset Iyanna cause she give good head.

Getting Gracie dressed is kinda a challenge cause she moves everywhere and tries to roll onto her belly but it never works that's why sometimes she cries. She just gets frustrated easily.

Getting her dressed finally I grabbed her taking to put her in her car seat. While packing things in her baby bag, I got a call from Yaya. "Mane wha u wan?" I said irritated that I couldn't find her baby bib. "I'm outside babe." She said. I just hung up on her cause not finding this bib is making me angry. "FUCK!" I yelled making Gracie start crying. "Aww sorry baby. Daddys so so sorry." I said taking her out the car seat holding her in my arms. Taking her car seat and her baby bag, I walked out the door making sure I locked everything up.

I walked over to my car putting Gracie in the back making sure to put the car seat stable in. Yaya climbed in the front busy on her phone and I climbed in starting up the car. I hope she ain't on no bullshit today.

- 20 minutes later -

We just got here now and Iyanna started on her bullshit. First she want things for her then she had the audacity to say fuck the baby. So I chased her home and told her to loose my number. I ain't tryna have arguments with her. It's Fuck her.

Walking to H&M going to buy baby Clothes for her. Ima let her start wearing only Minnie Mouse clothes. I think it's cute for her. I got her some red crawlers with some white no sleeves vests. I got 5 each of different styles. It was cute asf. Walking over to the diapers, I got 2 boxes putting them in the cart. Gracie was starting to get fussy so I just put her pacifier in her mouth before I give her something to eat. I wanna get this shopping finished with.

- 50 minutes later -

Getting in the house with Gracie I saw Iyanna sitting on the couch watching TV. I was gonna bring the stuff in but I first wanted to get Gracie something to eat and tell the guards to do it. "Iyanna what u doing hea' mane?" I said irritated by her presence. She shrugged her shoulders standing up walking to me. "I just want attention Daddy." She said standing infront of me putting her hands in my pant. "Mane I aint got time fa that. I needa feed ma baby." I said. She sucked her teeth walking away mumbling stuff under her breath. "What was said?" I yelled a little. "FUCK YO BABY!" She yelled. At that moment all I saw was red. "BITCH FUCK U. I WANT U OUT MY GAWDDAMN HOUSE HOE. NEVER IN YO DAMN LIFE SPEAK ON MY BABY OR THATS YO LIFE. ON DUMP HOE!" I yelled making Gracie scream out crying. I picked her up with her still screaming. Walking away from Iyanna ony way to the kitchen I felt her push me making Gracie fall out my hand. I turned around so fast punching Iyanna dead in her face not stopping. I punched her over and over and she was just screaming for me to stop. But i didn't. Then I saw the gang and Kd ran to Gracie picking her up while the rest of them were trying to separate me and her. I gave her one last punch making her go unconscious running quickly to where Kd was checking up on Gracie. "She fell hard as fuck cause she won't even take her bottle." Kd said. I sighed feeling a headache come along, taking Gracie from Kd rocking her back and forth. "Mama it's good. Daddys here." I said putting her bottle in her mouth making her still cry while sucking on it. "Shh. It's okay baby." I said rocking her back and forth. I picked up my phone passing it to Kd. "Call Jania and tell her to come over. Tell her I need some help." I said. He nodded walking further in the kitchen calling her up.

"She said she's on her way." He said. "Bro how dis happened?" Ben said. "Mane Iyanna said fuck my baby so I went crazy and told her to get out. I just turned around and she had the audacity to fucking push me making Gracie fall out my hand." I said feeling heated again.

"I'm here Kentr-" She gasped once she saw Gracie. "Who's baby dat and why she crying so hard?" Nene said taking her out my hand rocking her. "Mane. She my baby and she fell cause Iyanna." I said making her shake her head. "I told u to leave dat lil girl alone, but no u aint listen." She said going in the kitchen making me follow. "Kentrell she got a big knock on her head. She's hurt." She said turning Gracie around on on her belly checking her head.

"Les go to the hospital Nene." I said taking Gracies baby bag walking to the door. Nene wrapped her up in a fuzzy blanket holding her closely to her chest. Gracie was still crying loudly and i didn't understand if she was just hurt or really hungry. "What's wrong mama's?" I looked at Gracie seeing Jania trying to calm her down.

We arrived at the hospital climbing out seeing Jania walk to the front entrance. I followed after her holding Gracie's baby bag. By this time Gracie was screaming bloody murder in this hospital i had to even close my ears. "Give ha hea Nene." I said taking Gracie out her arms seeing tears flow out her eyes. I never thought I could see someone so precious cry this much. I've only had her for a day and she's already going through hell. The doctors came and took her out my arms putting her on one of those small baby beds. "MANE BE CAREFUL WIT MY FUCKING DAUGHTER!" I yelled seeing she was crying louder than before making my heart break. "Bruh, my daughter..."


Chapter something of Little Gracie💜❤🌼

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