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Dinner was about to start in the Great hall so all the students made their way to find their seats and make sure they were with their friends.

Of course, I sat by myself like I normally would and eat my dinner until someone sat down next to me.

Confused, I look over my left shoulder and see a girl with these weird glasses on. I couldn't recognise her until she took them off. It came clear to me that a girl named Luna Lovegood had taken a seat next to me.

"The nargles were telling me about how lonely you normally are, so I decided to sit next to you." Luna explained in her soft voice.

I wanted to ask what's a nargle, but I best save that for later "Thanks Luna." I said with a smile back to her.

We ate dinner and had dessert together. We rambled on about small things like how Luna's mum died when she was only 9 years old.

Our conversation was still going until Luna interrupted. "Y/n, someone is staring at you from the Slytherin table." Luna pointed out.

I looked up from my food to see the same blonde Draco Malfoy staring right back at me He didn't look away when I saw him staring, he just smirked then went back to his food.

"Do you know who that is?" Luna asked.

"He bumped into me on the train. He'a quite annoying to be honest." I replied.

"I heard he's bad news, gets into trouble a lot and bullies people mercifully in his spare time." Luna told me.

That's why I know him, from that time in Care for Magical Creatures last year. He practically threw himself at the poor Hippogriff and got his arm scratched but acted like he had almost lost his arm.

"He sounds like the type." I replied and went back to my food.


It was the first class of the day and I had Transfiguration first up.

I was walking with my books by myself until Luna came back to walk to class with me.

Having a friend was quite different then being alone. You had someone to talk to about your problems and all the funny jokes I had been waiting to tell someone, I had told to Luna.

When we walked inside I took a seat next to Luna and waited for Professor McGonagall to start her lesson.

"Ok students welcome to 4th year Transfiguration class where today i'll be teaching you how to conjure "Orchideous" which is a spell to conjure a bouquet of flowers." Professed McGonagall explained to the students.

The entire class look interested until you could hear small giggles coming from the back of the classroom.

We had all turned around to see who was making such a fuss. It was Draco Malfoy and his friend Blaise Zabini laughing over the fact we were going to make flowers in class.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini would you like to share with the class what you two are snickering about?" Professor McGonagall asked in an annoyed tone.

"Uh, nothing important Professor." Blaise replied in a nervous tone.

"Alright if that's the case moving seats should be nothing important then, next to Miss Lovegood should do you fine." She replied.

Blaise and I both sighed and switched seats. As I was grabbing my books I only just realised who I would have to be sitting next to, Malfoy. Luna gave me a 'good luck' look as I left to go sit down.

Professor McGonagall was talking about how we conjure the spell and told us to write down the notes she had written on the board.

As I started to write down her notes I heard a voice butt in causing me to loose my concentration.

"Did you miss me?" I heard then looked up to see that Malfoy was trying to talk to me.

"Not really." I bluntly replied. "I'm guessing you did." I estimated.

"What makes you think that?"

"You were staring at me across the Great Hall during dinner last night."

"I never said I was looking at you."

"There was no one else behind me." I pointed out still writing my notes.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and kept quiet for the rest of the lesson accepting defeat in their small squabble.

After about 20 minutes of copying loads of notes down, Professor McGonagall decided to give out some different instructions.

"Alright class that's enough for today. I have set a partner essay." Professor McGonagall explained. Luna and I stared straight at each other. It was weird having someone I wanted to be partnered up with seeing as I never knew anyone.

"Let's say with the people your sitting next to, sounds good." Professor McGonagall added on.

You've got to be kidding me

I turn back around to Malfoy matching my  same annoyed expression as well. We both grabbed our books and left class with a downer.


Thoughts on this chapter?

I hope you like how the story is going!! ❤️❤️


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