Chapter 12

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Aliyah's point of view:
"Why am I not getting sent to jail?" Gianna asked the judge as her father stood up. "It was my idea. I felt bad that you did all this because of your father. He was the one to blame. You've suffered enough and deserve to be released from everything that he did to you," I replied. Gianna cried and hugged me, surprising me. I hugged her back. Mr. Donavon said that Gianna can repeat Senior year in the fall.

Just then, Mr. King came up to us. I wanted to scream at him for what he did, but Gianna spoke up. "All these years, I thought that black people were bad. But you're the bad one here! You've been treating me like a puppet all these years, using for personal reasons, personal reasons that you didn't talk to me about! You're no longer my father, and I never want to see you again! Ever!!" she screamed before she stomped away to go to the bathroom.

I on the other hand, had some unfinished business to take care of with him. I stomped up to Mr. King and punched him in the nose, and kicked him where it hurt. "What was that for?!" he asked painfully. "The  punch was for what you had Gianna do to my family. Because of your plans, my father, who's an innocent man and a great dentist, almost got sent to jail. The kick was for almost killing my little 7-year-old sister!" I shouted. Before Mr. King was escorted out, Mrs. King demanded getting a divorce from him, to which the judge agreed to without hesitation. "You deserve it," she growled at him.

Just then, President Obama came up to me. "You said that your father is a dentist?" he asked. "Yes he is, sir. Why do you ask?" I asked him. "Because Sasha woke up with a bad toothache this morning. Can your dad take a look at her?" asked Mrs. Obama. "I'd be happy to," Dad said from behind us.

"Great. The sooner my tooth gets fixed, the better," Sasha groaned, holding her right cheek. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go," said Jayden. I laughed, and we all went to the dentist office where Dad worked. He explained the situation to the woman at the front desk and she agreed let Dad work on Sasha. I went in with them as support.

"Wh... what are you going to do?" Sasha asked Dad nervously as she sat down in the dentist chair. "I'm going to check and see if you have a cavity. Then I'm going to drill it and fill it," Dad explained as he put on his mask and gloves. "Drill it?? With a real drill?!" Sasha cried. I laughed a little bit before saying: "Don't worry, Sasha. The drills that dentists use aren't the kind of drills that carpenters and construction workers use." "They're not?" Sasha asked.

"No. Because teeth are small, we use small drills. Open wide!" Dad said, and Sasha opened her mouth. Dad looked inside her mouth with a little mirror. "Ahh, yes. Just as I thought. You do have a cavity, in one of your molars," he told Sasha. "Does it have to get filled?" she asked. "Yep. Cavities are holes in your teeth that are caused by bacteria, which cause tooth decay. If the decay and cavity aren't taken care of, your tooth problems will only get worse," Dad explained.

"Oh. Okay. Will it hurt?" Sasha asked. "No. I'm going to put a medicine on your gums and the tooth to make it nice and numb. That way, you won't feel a thing," Dad said. "How are you going to do that?" Sasha asked. "With these," Dad said, showing us a gel container and a needle. "These will help me make sure that you're numb, and won't feel a thing," Dad said.

Sasha was nervous about the needle, so I offered my hand for her to squeeze. After Dad rubbed Sasha's gums with the gel, he inserted the needle. Sasha felt the pinch, and squeezed my hand. He drilled the tooth, took out the decay, and filled in the tooth.

The filling he used was a special one that matches the color of the tooth perfectly. "All done," Dad said. "You're done?" Sasha asked. "Yep." "It didn't hurt," said Sasha, amazed. "I told you my dad is a great dentist," I said with a laugh. "You were right," agreed Sasha.

At that moment, the Obama's came in. "How did it go?" asked President Obama. "It went really well. Sasha did have a cavity, but I fixed it up good as new," replied Dad. Sasha opened her mouth, and her parents were amazed. It was almost as if nothing happened. "Wow! You're good at your job, Dr. Davis. Very good indeed," said Mrs. Obama.

"Thank you ma'am. Sasha, as a reward for being a brave little soldier, I'm giving you a goody-bag. I have a pink toothbrush, a purple one, a red one, and a blue one. Which one do you want?" Dad asked. "Um...I'd like a red one please," replied Sasha. "Okay. Red it is," said Dad. He also included a little tube of toothpaste and a little container of dental floss.

The Obama's went back to the White House, and Demi and Little mix had to get back on the road. I was sad because I made great friends with them, but we promised each other that we would all keep in touch.

Bullying: Friends with Stars. A Little Mix and Demi Lovato storyWhere stories live. Discover now