Mythology- 1

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Tommy yawned.

He rubbed one of his closed eyes with his bony wrist, trying to wipe the tiredness of his unresful sleep away. He hadn't slept well as of recent, strange dreams kept him from a peaceful slumber. Each time he dreamed, Tommy had seen dark spectres and strange lanky beings. It was unsettling. The boy let out another wide yawn, hand moving to gently stroke an eyebrow as he did so. He was reluctant to get up. He didn't want to face the day yet, it felt too early. After silently deliberating with himself whether it was worth it to leave the warm embrace of his sheets, the boy finally slipped an eye open, immediately closing it again as the light that flooded his room stung the backs of his pupils. He groaned, rubbing his exhausted eyes once more before finally forcing them open to start the day.

He stared up at his white stippled ceiling. A grey lampshade housed a round bulb hanging from the centre of the surface. He closed his eyes as he rubbed his face once more, giving his eyes one last moment of peace before he truly had to get up.

Tommy slid his legs out from under his covers, trying to get his body used to the uncomfortable feeling of not being under his warm blanket. He kicked the full duvet off and pushed himself up in to a sitting position on the corner of his bed. His bare feet treaded lightly on the beige carpet as he made his short walk to his desk, ready to start the day.

He had plans. He planned on doing a pretty fun stream where he received requests from viewers. Tommy thought this was an extremely engaging idea.

He clacked his password in to his keyboard as his monitor pulled up his desktop. Before doing the stream, Tommy had a little homework to do. As of recent, the boy had been falling behind in maths. It wasn't the easiest subject, he had found. That's why the boy had dedicated his full Saturday to making improvements. He was in year 11 now, the past year and a half of preparation for his GCSEs felt like nothing, he had to study hard if he wanted to maintain his semi-decent grades. The boy sighed. He had a friend who lived next door, affectionately nicknamed 'Tubbo', who was a whiz at maths. The boy's incredible calculating speed gave Tommy something to envy while his poor reading and writing skills were less desirable. They relied on each other, the pair were practically conjoined at the hip! Tommy read for the pair and wrote while Tubbo calculated and solved problems. This was how they had managed thus far.

"Speak of the devil-" Tommy muttered to himself as he heard the discord ringtone emanating from his headphones that still lay nearby. He tabbed to discord and answered the call.

"Eyyy, big man!" Tommy growled down the mic at the older boy, letting his exhaustion dissipate at the thought of spending time with his best mate.

"Hi!" Tubbo said gleefully back, the smile on his face audible to the younger. Tommy smirked back, despite them not being on a video call.

"I'm looking forward to watching your stream later," Tubbo continued, bringing up the topic to spur on a conversation between the two, "I can't wait to see all the dumb stuff people are gonna make you do!" The older giggled, seemingly thinking of all the possibilities.

"Yeah, Tub-zo." Tommy responded flatly, "Don't you wanna try asking me a question on stream?" The boy questioned, he secretly wanted to stream with Tubbo a lot. They were best friends after all. Yet the older seemed reluctant.

"I don't really wanna show my face or voice, Tommy." The older said audibly sympathetic to what Tommy wanted yet still unwilling to oblige.

"Why not, man?" Tommy pressed. Maybe his friend could just be nervous? It was understandable if he was. The older had never been featured or held his own stream before. In fact, the older had always avoided revealing any information about himself online. Tommy's fans and other online friends didn't even know Tubbo existed, as if the older was a ghost. "It's like you're trying to hide from the police or something..." Tommy grumbled, garnering a polite chuckle from Tubbo.

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