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The taste of wood. It had never been something Tommy was particularly keen on, yet the satisfaction of fiddling with a toothpick in his mouth surpassed his distaste for the wood. He fiddled with it between one of his canine teeth, it's slightly elongated point gently caressing the wood as his lips shifted the splinter to a new angle. All of the boy's canine teeth were abnormal. They all appeared to be a little sharper and larger than those of an average 16 year old. Well, even larger than those of an average adult. The size and shape of his canines were more comparable to those of a dog yet it mostly went unnoticed amongst those who knew him. He didn't care about his abnormal appearance, slightly pointed ears or malformed pupils. The swagger of his teenage persona kept him and his friends distracted, diverting their attention from the peculiar lad. Those who did note his odd looks scarcely commented, neither lingered on the thought for too long. Despite that, once Tommy had been questioned on his looks.
No mere stranger could even begin to create an answer somewhat close to the truth, yet Tommy held the true explanation dearly close to his heart. Nobody would ever be allowed to find out what secrets flowed through his veins.  Nobody. Not even...


The discord ringtone radiated from the headphones laying on the boy's IKEA desk. One hand lazily plopped itself over the mouse and shifted the cursor to pick up. As the call connected, the hand that had reached for his mouse scooped up his headphones before sliding them around his neck with exaggerated swagger. He lifted the toothpick from his mouth in anticipation as the call connected and a tall brunette appeared in a box on his monitor.

"Hey, Will." Tommy gruffly muttered, not yet having slid in to his playful and loud persona.

His right hand fiddled with his toothpick, swirling it between his fingers as Wilbur reciprocated the greeting.

"Hi, Tommy!" Wilbur chimed with an unusual amount of vigour and optimism.

"So, w-" Tommy began before abruptly being cut off by a nattering Wilbur.

"I had this idea, Tommy," Wilbur began without missing a beat, "This pretty incredible idea, okay, so, basically."

Tommy smirked, Wilbur had rarely been this excited over an idea before, the man was practically jumping out of his seat, ready to execute whatever plan his unusual mind had thought up.

"So, we should basically hunt ghosts," Wilbur began with wild hand gestures to follow suit, "but instead of it being like that old stream I did a while ago, I invite you and Phil over and we just hunt some demons, scare the shit out of each other, you know?"

Wilbur hesitated as he seemed to stare at the camera, studying the neutral expression that sat fixed on the blonde's face as he awaited a response.

"Sure," Tommy responded, "When and where? Has Phil agreed to this?"

With that confirmation, Wilbur's face lit up. A fist raised and punched the air, a kind of mini celebration for the brunette.

"How about this weekend at my house? I plan on moving soon anyway, perfect time to summon some demons." Wilbur stated, garnering a chuckle from the younger boy, "oh, Phil has also agreed to come down this weekend so pack your bags."

Tommy nodded. The meeting felt a little sudden but he didn't mind all that much. Any excuse to see Wilbur and Phil was valid, no matter how soon it would be. Trains down to Brighton weren't in too high demand anyway, it would be easy to get there.

"I'm gonna pack my Pope and fold my priest," Tommy began, his tone turning to a jokey growl, "gotta be prepared to fight some demons."

Wilbur smiled off to the side of the camera, in the direction of his monitor where he was watching the boy. He smiled a smile that shone like the sun, practically radiating happiness as the sun did heat, sending ripples of joy to crease the skin at the side of his eyes. The warmth of the smile caused the young blonde to smirk too, the smile quickly becoming infectious.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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