~ Puppy Dog Eyes

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Ethan's POV


I slowly start to wake up when I feel someone fidgeting in my arms. I know it's 6:00 because Fallon wakes up at the same time every morning. I loosen my hold on her so she can get up, but I don't bother opening my eyes. I feel her scoot to the edge of the bed and let out a sharp hiss when she gets up. I laugh a little and finally open my eyes. She looks back at me and shoots me a glare.

"Ass." is all she says before sitting back down on the edge of the bed. I laugh some more and shake my head, before slowly getting up.

"Lay back down, I'll go get it." I tell her as she rolls her eyes at me but, nonetheless, lays back down. I walk into her kitchen and start the coffee pot. Fallon and I have had sex, more times then I can count, but last night had to have been some of the best sex we've ever had. Even I'm a little sore. I look over to the door when I hear it lightly open and close, as Spencer walks in.

"Hey." he says tiredly, walking over to one of the barstool at the counter. I give him a light smile back, before looking back to the coffee pot and seeing that it's almost full. "What happened last night?" Spencer asks. I look at him with a confused look.

"Spence, this apartment building has very thin walls. I think you know what happened last night." he rolls his eyes at me.

"Don't I know it. Not only did we all hear it, but you guys were practically shaking the whole building." I laugh at his comment and shake my head. "I mean't with Ally. When I woke up she was gone and about an hour later she came back, storming through the door. I asked her what was wrong and all she muttered was 'that bitch', before locking herself in her room." I gave him a questioning look as the coffee pot beeped. 

"I don't know. I mean she came by the bar while I was working and I talked to her for a bit. Then Fallon walked in and kissed fucking Dawson." I muttered, still livid, while Spencer wore a look of shock. "I, obviously, beat the shit out of him, but when I looked up she and Fal were both gone. I was, clearly, pissed and came straight here. I figured she just took a cab back." I shrugged. Spencer was about to say something when his phone dinged. He looked at it before typing. He rolled his eyes before showing me the text.

Cous: I'm up, where are you?

Spence: Fallon's. Come over here.

Cous: Hell no. Not unless I can beat her with a frying pan.

Spence: otw back. You have some explaining to do.

"What the fuck?" I ask him.

"I don't know." he said, shaking his head, confusedly, at the text. "But I guess that tells us who the 'bitch' she was talking about last night was." he sighs. "I better go, tell me what Fal says about it." I nod as I finish pouring the two cups of coffee and he leaves. I walk back into the bedroom and hand Fallon her coffee. She mutters a 'thank you' before taking a sip and holding it in her lap, while I walk back to my side of the bed.

"Is Spence here?"

"He was but he just left."


"Ally texted him and said she wouldn't come over here. What happened between you two?"

"Ugh." she sighs. "Last night, I left to get a head start and she chased after me. I didn't really want to deal with her but I stopped, against my better judgement. She started spewing all this shit about me being the 'queen bee' and that she wasn't going to 'submit' to me like everyone else did. Then she basically called me a whore and said that I 'open my legs for you any time you ask'." Fallon said with an angry look on her face. I rubbed her thigh and she sighed, calming down.

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