~ Venue

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Ally's POV


I'm woken up around 7:00 by the shrill ringing of my phone. I wasn't going to answer it, it should be a crime to call someone this early. I let it go to voicemail and sighed in contempt. As soon as I rolled over though, it started ringing again. I groaned and finally picked it up. I started to panic when I read the name, though, and quickly answered it.

"Cassidy?! Am I late? I thought we were meeting at the office at 9:00?" I ask, throwing myself out of bed and frantically getting dressed.

"We were, Ally. Sorry to wake you but there's been a change of plans. My wedding venue fell through and I need to find one, like, now. Paul has a lot going on so you're stuck with me today and going to help a friend and I find wedding venues." I stop rushing around and sigh in relief.

"Okay, that sounds good. When are we meeting?"

"Meet me at the office at 7:30." You've got to be kidding me.

"Okay, sounds good." I tell her before we both hang up. I continue rushing around and I'm out the door by 7:10. I just threw on the first things I could find, which included army green skinny jeans, white and black striped shirt, and some flats.

When I got out into the hallway, I was reminded of Ethan and I's conversation from last night. I asked him to talk when we got back and we talked in the hallway. I could tell he was already tired and stressed out, I didn't want to push him more, but I had too. We were silent when we first got out there, but I was the first to speak.

"You need to choose, Ethan." Was all I told him. He sighed and shook his head.

"Don't ask me to do that, Ally." That made me beyond angry. Don't ask him to choose?! I was doing everything I could to not blow up on him.

"Ethan. I have been there for you through everything. I was there for you when you and Fallon broke up, I was there for you when your father called and you went missing, I was there to bring you back from the club, and then the bar, I was there for you when you needed to be there for Fallon! I've been letting you stay with her for the past two or three nights while I've been the one all alone." Apparently my anger made him mad too.

"You were there for me when Fallon left, yes, but Fallon came back. You may have been there when I was at the fight club, or when I was at the bar, but Fallon is the one who brought me home, not you. You haven't been 'letting me' do shit. It's my life, you don't get to dictate who I can and cannot spend my time with. I like you, Ally, I do. Fallon may just be my friend, she may be something more, I don't know. Regardless of her position in my life, she is in it, so don't ask me to choose between you and her, because I will choose her." I could feel the tears coming.

"So that's it then? I was there for you through everything, but the minute she comes back I'm kicked to the curb?" He sighs.

"Ally, I like you, and I want you in my life. You have to understand that Fallon will always be there though. She knows me like no one else ever could."

"I could if you let me." I glare at him, trying to be angry. There's no point in being angry anymore, I should be used to it by now. "Be honest with me, if Fallon walked out here right now and said she wanted to be with you, would you be with her?" He was quiet for a moment. I knew he already knew the answer, he was just debating on if he should say it.

"In a heartbeat..."

"Then why aren't you with her?"

"Because there's no assurance that Fallon and I could work. Whenever we're together for more than a few months, we fight like crazy, we get with other people, we purposely get on the others nerve. As soon as we start something, we always push the other away. If we were to actually date, I could lose her for good."

"How do you know you could have assurance with me?" He looks at me, studying me.

"I don't."

Thats how our conversation ended last night. I still felt like crying and I still don't know if we are together or not. I'm starting to lean towards not. I just don't know what he sees in her. If you ask me, she's a first love he just doesn't know how to move on from. Their relationship is toxic and he needs to get out of it while he still can.

I ended up taking a cab to Brewers Publishing and pulled up at exactly 7:25. When I did though, I felt my blood boil. Cassidy was sitting on the steps in a white bodysuit and taupe pants, business casual, drinking a coffee. Sitting next to her, was the wicked witch of the west, sometimes called Fallon. Fallon, of course, was fashionable as ever, wearing black jeans, a cheetah print cami, and a cream sweater.

I sighed, walking up to them. They didn't even notice me for a solid two minutes, until I finally cleared my throat. Cassidy was the first to notice me and smiled at me, while Fallon stared me down. I didn't make eye contact, though.

"Hey, Ally! Right on time." Cassidy says, giving me a light hug.

"Hey. So, what's the plan?"

"Well, my maid of honor, is a literal lifesaver. Fallon saved the list of Venues we were choosing from when planning the wedding, so we are going to go back by these places and pray that we can book a venue for Saturday."

"Okay." I smile.

"Alright, let's go." Fallon says as she gets up and throws her coffee in the trash.

Cassidy and Fallon walk in front, leading the way, while I trail behind them. They were dressed like fucking models and here I am following them around like some peasant. I even felt like one too. I wasn't in their conversation, but I was listening. I'm supposed to be assisting Cassidy but she told Fallon I could help her with anything she needed as well. I don't think I've ever seen her smile so big.

The first place we went was a fancy hotel with a ballroom. It was magnificent and looked like something out of a movie. Cassidy hated it though, she thought it wouldn't go with her theme. The next place we tried was another museum. It was huge and they said they would clear all of the artifacts out for the wedding, but she said she couldn't bare the thought of an alter being at the same place a trillion year old t-rex stood.

We went to 5 more places around the city, but Cassidy found something wrong with every venue. By 11:00, Cassidy looked like she was about to cry, Fallon looked like she was going to pull her hair out, and I was dripping in sweat. While they were studying and discussing the venues, I was running around doing errands for them. At one point, Fallon sent me all the way to fucking Brooklyn to get her a coffee. A coffee that she claimed was 'cold' by the time I got back and threw it away. I was ready to fucking kill her. I know I haven't been the nicest, but she doesn't have to go this far with the revenge.

"Shit, I have to go." Fallon tells Cassidy. "I have a meeting over lunch at 12:00." Cassidy started panicking.

"No! What am I gonna do?!"

"Don't worry yet, love." Fallon smiles at her. "I'm gonna send you an address for a place in upstate New York. It's only an hour from here, at most. You and Ally go there and text me what you think. If you don't like it, I'll leave my meeting early and come back." Cassidy sighed but nodded. They bid their goodbyes and Fallon left.

Cassidy had me call a car for us and by the time it got there, Fallon sent us the address. We gave it to the driver and took off. Cassidy was anxious the whole time. I tried to take her mind off of it, but it wasn't much help. Around an hour later, we pulled up to the venue Fallon found. Cassidy and I were both in shock.

It was a gorgeous garden that looked like it went on for miles. It didn't look like something you'd see today, but like one you would see with a castle. An older lady came up to us and greeted Cassidy. Apparently, Fallon called and let her know we were coming. She walked us around the expansive garden all the way to the end. The end had tall, bushes, sculpted like walls. There was an entrance and in the middle of it, was a fountain and some benches. Cassidy was in love with the garden that, luckily, was open on Saturday.

Looks like we found our Venue.


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