12 - A Little Vacation

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words = speaking
words = thinking
*words* = actions
WORDS = spells, or skills
words = Letters/notes/Diaries

No one's POV

We see The Crimson Vow come back from their mission and they all lay down on their beds.

Mile: Coming back to our room is always so relaxing!

Y/n: I second Mile's statement!

Mavis: I know! It already has that feeling of being home!

Pauline: Yeah, you said it!

Reina: I know you're tired, but shouldn't you guys take your clothes off first?

Mile: Good point, we probably should.

Y/n: Well, Rom and Ram are already asleep, so they're not going to. Also, I can't because it would be awkward.

Mile: Well, I'll get right on it.

Pauline: Yeah, same for me.

Y/n then gets up while the others aren't even moving.

Mile: Why Y/n the only one able to move?

Mavis: Do you think that Y/n cast a paralysis spell on us?

Y/n: I may have magic, but I don't have paralysis magic!!!!

Pauline: Well, Y/n might have been this exhausted before in his world.

Y/n: Yeah, I've adapted to this problem. Meanwhile, you all have been working butts off trying to catch up to me, Rom, and Ram. It almost feels like an abusive corporation.

Mavis: What is that?

Y/n: It's like a pyramid scheme- Oh wait, none of you know what that means either. It's when a company pushes it employees, aka workers, with having to do crazy to near impossible work. The deadlines are so crazy, that it tires many of them out, and it's only to gain profit!

Pauline: That behavior is shameful to merchants everywhere!

Everyone then looks at Reina, who notices it and is shocked.

Reina: Wait a second! Why are you all looking at me like I'm your employer?!?! I'm your friend, and I'm just a tired as the rest of you are!!!

Mile: Ah! You see this a lot with macho style employers!

Y/n: Mile's right Reina. Not to mention, you also said that you were the one who wanted to level up!

Reina: When did you say something like that?!?!

Y/n: *deadpan voice* Before we took the quest to guard the merchants.

Reina: Oh.

Mavis: Well, how do all of you say to taking a little break starting tomorrow? We've already saved up quite a bit, and the information Y/n told us is still sinking in with me.

Y/n: Well, can a bit of a break.

Reina: What, really?!

Mile: Wow. Reina seems the happiest out of all of us!

Reina: I told you, I'm not the employer! Why shouldn't I be happy!?!

Y/n: Okie dokie then! Tomorrow is a little vacation!!!

Everyone: All right!

Pauline: I've got something that I've been wanting to do!!!

Reina: Yeah, me too!

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