Chapter 2

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Salem smiled as the ginger wolf Mason showed him all around the forest. "Ouch!" he yelped when he stepped on a thorn. Pain shot through his paw and Mason whipped around help. "Lift it up, keep it off the ground and lick it." Salem nodded and began washing the cut while Mason plucked at some yellow flowers. "Here, these will take the sting away." She said, handing him the flowers. "Thanks Mason." Salem said greatfully. He bent down to pick up the flowers, and at the same time, Mason reached to grab an ivy leaf from the pile. They met in the middle, their noses brushing. The two wolves flinched back awkwardly, their faces heating up. "You first." Mason said. "No you go." Salem insisted, blushing. Mason smiled and plucked the Ivy leaf from the cluster of flowers, careful not to crush it. "These are very toxic. Its a good thing I saw it, or you would be in pain much worse than a thorn clould inflict." Salem smiled. "Thanks Mason, I certainly dont want to die right after meeting my first friend." Salem stood and followed as Mason lead him deeper into the forest. A strange scent flooded Salem's senses, and he looked around, pricking his ears. "What is that?" he asked Mason. Mason sniffed the air and growled. "Moose. We should get out of here." At the same time the huge animal charged out of the underbrush, and trampled a snarling Mason before she could leap away. Salem lunged at the beast, sinking his white canines into it's leg, hitting bone. The moose grunted at him and Salem winced as he felt its large teeth slash his side. Leaping up, he bit into the moose's spine, causing it to freeze. Taking the chance, he dug his claws into its side and sunk his fangs into its neck. He felt the creature go limp beneath him and he leaped off and ran towards Mason. She was breathing shallowly and a gash on her side was bleeding heavily. Panick rising, Salem began to wash the cut. He heard the thud of pawsteps, and called, "Help! Wolf down!" A handsome brown wolf leaped from the bracken and raced Mason's side. "No no no..." he whispered, nuzzling the unconcious wolf's head. Salem felt a stab of jealousy, then scolded himself. They werent even in the same pack, and he barely knew Mason. The wolf sighed in relief as Mason opened her eyes. "Hey Jackass..." she said, a weak smile appearing on her snout. Jackson smiled saddly. "Your not allowed to die." Mason's amber eyes then flicked to Salem, and her smile widened. "Hey Salem." She said. Slowly but surely, she began to recover her strangth, and sat up. Jackson was the first to speak. "What happened?" Mason smiled. "I was attacked by a moose. Salem killed it to protect me." She turned Salem with admiring eyes. "Hes a hero." Jackson looked at Salem, and jealousy sparked in his own eyes. "Thank you Salem." He said curtly. Salem saw Mason's gaze flitting between the two males who were probably glaring at each other. Salem broke the tension and stepped forward. "Mason, do you need help getting back?" Mason nodded greatfully. As Salem lead Mason back towards the hill, he could feel Jackson's gaze burning on his back

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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