chapter 1

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Disclaimer: The following is a work of fanfiction— Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisha, and Akira Toriyama own all things Dragonball. Please support the official release.

Dragonball Super Presents:

Slice of Broccoli

Chapter 1 – Misinterpretation


The petite woman winced at how loud her friend Lemo was yelling at from behind her. "Can't you fly this ship any faster?!"
Dismissing his panic, she clutched the throttle tightly in her hands, while Lemo's had his hands gripped around the head of the pilot's seat. Her troublesome trek through the cosmos after they had made their escape from Freeza Planet 341 made the poor older man's yellow-tinted skin go paler.

Cheelai piloted around space debris that came close to clipping the hull of their ship. Lemo's quick and sudden yelps each time a small meteorite flew close by was enough to set her off, and she glared back at him.

"Lemo, shut up and stop complaining! I can't concentrate while you're backseat driving!" she yelled back at him and checked the sensor grid.

"That space cop's being a pain in the ass. Ugh! Why doesn't this thing have lasers?" She hated that this was only a cargo ship with loading capabilities for large enough objects, passenger travel, and interstellar travel with hyperspeed engines. It aggravated her that she couldn't fire a few shots to drive them off, yet she needed something to lead them away.

They were on course to return to Planet Vampa, a desolate planetoid housing some of the most dangerous creatures of the universe.

She needed to get back as quickly as possible and unload what they had stolen from Freeza Planet 341, a supply depot planet that the Freeza Force used to manufacture materials and weapons for their army. The military-based race of Kelpians purchased several planets from the Emperor to build weapons, armor, and medical manufacturing plants, doubling as supply depots. Yet security on Planet 341 was so abysmal that any fringe group would've had no difficulty stealing from these depots, and no one would've been aware of the losses.

The sudden beeping of the long-range sensor caught Lemo's attention to something coming up ahead, and he panicked. "Cheelai, look! Asteroid field, dead ahead!"

Cheelai was hoping for something to give them the advantage. "Perfect."

"Perfect?! What do you mean, perfect?!" Lemo shouted, then his face went pale. "Don't tell me."

"We're losing that moron in the asteroid field. Do you think he'll be brave enough to keep up?" she asked. Her honey-like tone was enough to make Lemo's face go completely white.
"This isn't about bravery, Cheelai! How do you know for sure you can navigate that safely without getting us killed?" His face was so close to hers that she shoved it behind her.

"Sit tight, strap in, and shut up! Navigating this asteroid field is going to be; let's just say it'll be dicey," Cheelai took a deep breath. "WHOO!" she exclaimed, and flew the ship into the field, swerving and rolling from side to side to avoid each incoming asteroid.

Patrolman Jaco had his sights on the craft dead ahead and grinned as he fired up his thrusters to get in close enough to engage his tractor beam to seize the ship.

"I have you now, you thief!" he said, declaring his victory. He was almost in range. His hands gripped the throttle of his ship's engine, easing it forward to draw himself closer. His eyes had the determined look of his formidable years in the Galactic Patrol, eager to finally get his hands on the woman who was piloting that craft.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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