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At the shrill sound of a ringing bell, oh how annoying that sound was, I had to drag Keefe and the rest up from their seats where they were in an intense discussion about whether or not Mallowmelt was better than Ripplefluffs. I rolled my eyes.

"We have to go," I said still trying to pull Keefe out of his seat by his arm. I stopped trying and smirked. "It's P.E."

All their friends heads snapped to her and in a matter of moments they were stampeding out the door to the locker rooms where they were supposed to have clothes in the lockers. I smiled and rolled my eyes in a friend way. I wondered what would happen if I never went with Fitz, of how miserable I would be. So I jogged to catch up. Me and Biana, the only two girls in the group, went to our locker room the boys going to their's to change. I was out first as Biana had insisted that her hair was messed up (it wasn't) so I told the coach, Coach Hedge? What an odd name, and back on track I had told him that Biana couldn't find her clothes and had to go get some so she would be a few minutes late. It was unnerving, his beady black eyes staring at me from under his baseball cap, I shuddered slightly. I sat next to Keefe my other side sat Dex, Keefe wrapped his arm around me shoulder again and i mock hit him. He jurist rolled his eyes at me and said, 'Foster, Foster, Foster.' and that was it. And so I was right because a minute into instructions Biana appeared in her loose grey athletic tank top and rolled up short P.E. shorts. Guys were practically drooling, I snickered. A few heads turned my way and I myself was stared at for a hot minute before the coach cleared his throat. Biana then sat next to Dex with Fitz on her other side, apparently today was a fitness assessment. So basically... easy. We all smirked in unison and shared a look. He explained that the first station was timed running, an A+ would be 11.9 seconds, and decreasing a grade letter bye every two seconds. Next would be stamina, like jump roping and hula-hooping (who I named it that???). Then the easiest of all, endurance, rope climbing and other sorts of conditioning (such as sit-ups and planks ect.). Coach Hedge excused us swiftly standing neatly by the bleachers as each group started their 'fitness' assessment, we all knew that this would not be fitness for elves and as such, used barely noticeable skills to boost our energy and such. We all got an A+ in timed running, our stamina lasted the entire rotating time (10 min.), and now it was endurance. Me and Keefe were doing planks and I made a bet that I could stay in plank longer (I know me betting?! Never- right), I did, and I got fifty lusters out of it. We then moved on to sit-ups trading to see how many we could do in two minutes. I did well and so did Keefe, then it was rope climbing, we each went to the designated area and were timed, Keefe made it to the top first (by two seconds), but I swiftly, and for a first gracefully, pulled off a move that got me down first. I won. And I got bragging rights. I smirked at that last part of the bet, he pouted. We dissolved into a fit of laughter as we walked to the bleachers, we being the group as the rest of the class was still on their last station.

"How did you cupcakes pull that off," Coach Hedge's loud and rough voice blared through his megaphone.

"We do athletics and endurance training," I answered swiftly, an unnoticeable lie. "Me and Biana also attend a specific gym class that allows our flexibility and stamina. The boys as well do other specifics that I cannot name."

He nodded his permanent scowl still resting on his bear edged face. I squinted slightly at him, no powers needed to tell he didn't believe us, even if it was the slightest suspicion, it could compromise the entire mission. I frowned and turned to Keefe. It was a clearly displayed expression, and we both knew it, this guy needed to be researched, we don't know what he could be capable of. And whether or not he could figure out our secret. This could be disastrous, and we all know disaster is never good, in the Elvin of Human world.

^780 Words^

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