We first met.

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You were all alone playing in the rain. No family. No friends. A little boy came up to you and just smiled. He put his hand out for you to grab it. You did and he lifted you up. He looked around 7. 1-2 year(s) older maybe?

*In high school* You and Samura have been friends ever since childhood.

He acted like you two were family.

Or you were like his girlfriend/boyfriend/s/o. He was always nice and never even the slightest rude. 

You two had a great relationship. 

One day you decided to go to the back of the school for lunch. Since Samura always goes there.

You didnt eat with Samura because he never wanted to. So you just ate with your friends Miku, Mayu, (Who were twins) and Giselle. 

You and your friends kept walking into the back. But you froze. 

You saw Samura getting kicked and beaten. Your friends froze to.

You had anger issues..There were 4 boys messing with him. 

You ran up to them. 

They saw you and Samura yelled out your name. "Aww is that your little girlfriend?" One of them asked. 

You didnt realize it but your friends were running behind you. They knew how much you loved Samura. 

You grabbed one of the boys hair and threw him onto the ground. Giselle punched a guy. Mayu kicked one of the guys in the balls. And Miku pulled on the other guys hair. One of them grabbed onto you.

He picked you up and threw you at Samura. Samura caught you. 

You all had a fight and the guys were fighting back. 

After you guys were done. One of the guys and Giselle got sent to the hospital. Miku had a sprained ankle. You had a bunch of bruises. And Mayu had a black eye. 

You all got detention.

A week past before that. Everyone got better. The guys kept trying to hurt Samura but they couldnt because now you all had to eat in detention. 

One day you went to the bathroom. While you were using the bathroom, Everything went out. The lights. Your phone. You were super confused. 

You got up and rushed back to the principals office. Samura and your friend were there. "What happened?" You asked. Giselle said that everyone dissapered. You didntb beileve her until you didnt see anyone... 

You started panicking but Mayu calmed you down. You all went downstairs. 

You all didnt know what to do until a huge screen on the building lit up. 

You all covered your eyes because of how bright it was.

You read the board and it said "Game starting."

"Game?" Mayu said. 

You were all confused. And quite scared. 

An arrow came on the board pointing to a small ramen building. You were all confused but started walking there anyway. 

You all went in. It wasnt small actually. 

Another arrow pointing to a room..

You all went and it was an extended out room. Not every high. 

There were phones. You all picked one up each. 

"Game started"

You were all confused. 

"What does it keep meaning by "game"?" Giselle questioned. You all shrugged.

3 doors lit up.

You all looked at each other. 

"Two in one room. The rest in the other." The phones said.

You and Giselle were sisters but a claw appered out of no where.

It grabbed you and Miku.

It started bringing you to another room. You all screaming for each other. The claw brought you to the room and slammed the door.

You two were terrifide. 

You looked around. It was a tiny room with 2 beds. 

"One on each bed." The beds wrote.

You and Miku agreed to sit at the same time. So you did.

The beds dropped to another room as you both screamed.

There was a wall seperating you two.

You screamed for Miku and she screamed back.

"MIKU!" You screamed out. "HI" Miku replied. -Dumbass.- You thought.

You two agreed to keep walking. You saw Samura walking while talking to Giselle and Mayu on the other side of the wall to...

He saw you and screamed your name. You dropped down another room.


I just saw them drop..

"Dead" The sign on the other side said. I looked behind me to see a sign that said "Alive".

-There gone..- I thought.


I was shifted to another room and passed out. 

"Y/N! Y/N" I heard Miku's muffled screams call out to me. 

I finally woke up. Miku bowled her eyes out as soon as i woke.

"THERE DEAD THERE DEAD" She yelled, Over and over again.

Your eyes filled with tears....

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