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SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, thank you to those that have been patient. Sorry for any typos, I'll fix them eventually.


I kept reading all my visions over and over again in my journal. Last night I had one about Neville, Luna, and Ginny. They attempted to steal something from the headmasters office, I couldn't tell what though.

I tilted my head back against the headboard on Draco's bed in annoyance.

Draco flew open the door, "I'm so fucking over these classes." He complained while kicking off his shoes.

I laughed at him, I had 'excuses' to get out of class. He pulled off his shirt and jumped onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" He raised his brows at me while making his way to me. He gestured for me to open my legs so he could rest his head on me. I chuckled as he laid on his back, "Now play with my hair." He muttered.

"Bossy bossy." I teased. "Let me read it again." Draco reached his hand behind signaling to hand him my journal.

I gently ran my fingers through his hair while he read one of my visions aloud.

"I was lying on the grass with a little boy...I got to see who's arms he ran into. They were Draco's." He stopped and turned his head to look at me. I smiled down at him.

"One day Elle." Draco said softly.

"I know."

He turned his whole body around while he leveled his face with mine. He gently placed his finger and thumb under my chin to pull me forward.

His kiss was soft at first but progressively turned into an aggressive one. I ran my fingers through the back of his hair as he shifted his lips away to my neck.

I let out a soft moan as he continued.

A knock came from the door and we both groaned out in annoyance. "Why is it we always get interrupted?" Draco complained as he pulled up. I chuckled as he walked over to the door with frustration.

"Can I not fuck my girlfriend in peace?" Draco snapped as he opened the door. I placed a pillow over my head in embarrassment.

"Well you're lucky I knocked then." I heard Blaise huff.

I made my way out of bed to go by the door, Draco wrapped his arm around me while I leaned into his side. "Pansy wants you to go meet her in the great hall."

"For what?" I walked away to grab my shoes. "Do I look like a Ravenclaw? I don't know." Blaise responded with a bit of attitude.

"Jeez Blaise, I don't need the attitude." Draco laughed, "Blaise here just has some sexual frustration, don't you mate?"

"Fuck off mate." Blaise scoffed.


Pansy called me over to go over the plans for Ivy's funeral. Goyle still hasn't spoken to me but in all honesty, I can't blame him.

"Okay so Goyle doesn't want a lot of people, just the house, maybe a few of her other friends from different houses." Pansy went on to explain.

I zoned out though when I noticed Violet walk in. I haven't been able to get a word in although I wouldn't even know what to say.

"Snape wants to be invited." Pansy said pulling my attention my back to the conversation. "Professor Snape wants to come?" I asked in confusion.

She shrugged, "Maybe he feels guilty somehow, don't know." Pansy continued to put down little notes. I turned my head back to see Violet walking out.

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