A.N. 4 (thank you)

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well, holy fucking shit.

All good things must come to an end.

I don't want to make this super long considering you guys just read ALL that but I just want to say thank you to every single one of you reading this right now.

Thank you to both Scarlett scarlettsstella and Ivy ivysnape1 for helping me so much with this book and giving me ideas that everyone loved. (Go read Scarlrtts story it's *chefs kiss*)

And to those that have been here since December, a huge thank you for sticking around for so long. This story was incredibly hard to write, so many ups and down, struggling the most but I loved every second of it.

All your comments definitely brought so much laughter.

To those that made edits for this story, THANK YOU! I will be posting all the new ones on instagram. They seriously make me so happy.

Just want to be honest for a second, I know this story wasn't the best written but I worked my ass off LOL and I'm so proud of how far it has come.

Draco and Stella will forever have my heart.

You all have brought me so much happiness, from the comments to personally reaching out to me omg. I made so many friends and ugh I'm so grateful.

I went through some pretty dark shit while writing this story and seeing all your messages seriously saved me and gave me reasons to keep pushing forward. I know I took long with the last chapters but it was for my mental health. Remember your mental health is so important!

You are welcome to use Stella Primrose, Leon Primrose, Elias Henderson, and Violet Nott in your stories. All I ask for is credit <3

I might be doing a one shot or a couple chapters involving their kids but it's NOT official!! Just a maybe so make sure you're following me for updates.

I will be writing another Draco fan fiction. I have the trailer and I will be posting it on my tiktok soon hehe.

Again thank you all so much.

As of right now 307k reads and I still can't believe it's real. Like holy shit.

We finished the fucking book... what the actual fuck.

I love you all so much.

Mya Papaya : )


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