Part 4

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You look at the empty table that was set for four. The only seat currently occupied was Jia's, and her face held a very guilty expression. Then, like a light bulb suddenly turning on, it finally dawns on you what Jia was up to.

"Jia, what is this?" Baekhyun lowly asks.

"Would you believe me if I said everyone else canceled?" She replies sheepishly.

Jia had lied and said everyone was going to dinner, but really, she had set up a double date. Jongin and her. You and Baekhyun.

Everyone was silently stared at each other for a moment. Baekhyun and you were trying to process what was happening, and Jia and Jongin were too nervous to comment.

You didn't know how to feel. You stare at Jia, wondering how you were going to get through a dinner with Baekhyun, now knowing it was a fake double date.

You slowly look at Baekhyun, wondering what is going through his mind. His face was completely unreadable as he looks between Jia and Jongin. You couldn't tell if he was angry, confused, put off, or what.

His eyes suddenly meet your wide ones before you can look away. All you could do was stare at him, hoping he would see that this wasn't your idea. When he slowly begins nodding his head, you exhale the breath of air you didn't know you had been holding.

"Well, we're here... I guess we should eat."

You follow his lead and sit down in the seat next to him and across from Jia. Holy shit, this is awkward, you thought. There was complete silence at the table, so you took the opportunity to peek at everyone through your eyelashes.

Jia was taking turns looking at everyone. She looked slightly nervous, now that her plan was in motion, and the guilt was still etched onto her face. Jongin was looking at his menu, not raising his head to look at anyone else, and not wanting to take any of the blame for his girlfriend's actions.

You casually look to your left to see Baekhyun, sitting somewhat stiffly, almost like he was scared that if he moved too much he would bump into you. You look down at yourself, noticing you were sitting the same way, so you take a deep breath and force yourself to relax. All of you were already here, so you might as well try to get past the awkwardness. Besides, you were friends. It wasn't like this was a blind date with random people.

"So, how was everyone's day?"

At your words, everyone visibly tenses since you had the courage to break the silence. Jia becomes excited, taking your words as a cue that you aren't mad at her. Jongin gradually relaxes, now that you had finally spoken, and it wasn't to yell at Jia. Baekhyun continues to look at his menu, not making eye contact with anyone, but he does answer your question.

"Good, but if you remember, we've been with you two all day."

Oh yeah... you had forgotten that they were at the shop with you two. You sigh, not knowing how to start the conversation. Luckily for you, the waitress came up and took all your orders. When she leaves, taking the menus with her, your only source of distraction goes with her.

"Okay, I'm sorry I lied, but I thought it would be nice if the four of us went out together." Jia begins to explain herself.

"You could've just said, 'Hey guys, let's go to dinner'. That would've worked just as well." Baekhyun calmly responds to her before sipping from the water glass in front of him.

"Well, we're all here now, so let's just enjoy it, yeah?" You say. Jongin nodding his head and agreeing with you.

Dinner goes well, and once everyone lightened up, you had a lot of fun. The four of you joked around, and they shared stories with you about wild things they've done over the past years. You enjoyed hearing about their crazy antics and learning about their experiences as a group. You and Jia also silently watched as Baekhyun and Jongin hotly (and weirdly) debated which fantasy movies were better, and they informed you about a charity event Jongin and Chanyeol were taking part in.

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