Chapter 5: Participation and Perceptibility.

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CHAPTER 5: Participation and Perceptibility.


Wednesday, 1 hour and 25 minutes before the incident, 16:00 pm


Decoration Committees meeting is happening in the gym, where the event will take place, and I must say, I’m pretty damn nervous. As I make my way to the big meeting I feel myself getting excited. I’m not sure if I like being excited, at least not this excited.

Finally, the time has come, when I open the gym halls door and… It’s empty. The gym is empty.

“What the fu…” I start to say but get interrupted footsteps running towards me from behind.

“Maddison, oh, great, you’re already here!” Nathan stops once he’s reached me and I frown.

“Where are all the other people?” I ask.

“What other people? It’s only the two of us. Originally, it was only me, that’s why I needed your help so badly.” He winks and turns on the gym lights. I feel like this huge weight has been suddenly taken of my shoulders and visibly relax. Thank god, I won’t have to meet new people. Your anti-social self is disturbing, Maddison.

I don’t know about your school, but our gymnasium is pretty damn average. Nathan has some stuff lied out on the floor and he’s currently searching through some big ass papers.

“What are you doing?” I ask and walk towards him in curiosity.

“Searching for… ah there it is. Okay, this is the main gymnasium sketch…”

“It’s a rectangle Nathan, you’re holding in front of me a big, painted rectangle.” I say and feel my lips curl in to a slight smirk.

“It’s not just a rectangle,” Nathan sighs “It also has the sizes of each wall written on it, so zip it.” He lays the paper down on the floor and sits down himself.

“Okay mister bossy pants, what do we do now?” I ask and following his lead, sit down next to him. Our elbows brush and I can’t help but to hate myself for noticing that so vividly. He smells really nice and clean, like fabric softener and cologne, and warmth, and for some reason, safety.

“You’re not paying attention Maddison.” He looks at me and I mentally shake myself. “We need to figure this stuff out, where is the best place to put the table, stage and the chairs, will we have some huge decorations or only some small ones, and also what fabrics that we will use, what do you think?” He looks at me again, this time with expectation and I smile.

“Well if you can’t even figure out a single detail by yourself I guess I’ll help you out.” Help out with what, you can barely concentrate on what you’re saying with him sitting next to you. I’m a genius remember? I can figure out easy stuff like this in my sleep. Well aren’t you modest. Quit talking to yourself!

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