Chapter 3: Chemistry.

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CHAPTER 3: Chemistry.


Tuesday, 1 day before the incident, 7:20 am


 I hate snow. No, seriously, you don’t believe me? Okay, I’ll give you some examples then, examples that will prove how truly awful snow is. Example one: Trees are useless since climbing and sitting on them makes you freeze to death, as well as it makes you wet. Believe me, snow melts even faster than a hormone-filled girls heart.

Talking about hormone-filled girls, I am one at the moment. And I know this for sure since the only thing I could think about yesterday was the stupid Nathan.

It’s so irritating that he can have such effect on me just by talking to me, I mean, I have better things to think about like… See? I can’t even think of what else I would think if I wouldn’t be thinking about him. And his cursed dimples. Will he talk to me today? Maybe he likes me, and that’s why he wanted me to make the decorations? Or maybe he won’t talk to me ever again? What if he hit his head hard yesterday, when he fell, and forgot who I was? Today he probably won’t talk to me. I wouldn’t if I was him.

I had left home a bit earlier today, so I don’t have to walk fast in order to get my coffee before the school bus arrives. I have my hands tucked inside my pockets and the wind today is really cold, so I don’t really look around like I normally do. Needless to say, my posture probably looks rather pathetic. After a while, I finally look up from my feet and see the little coffee house ahead. Finally! Early in the morning there’s usually no one around, but this time I notice a figure. I slow down my pace and sniff the air. It smells like coffee… and Nathan. Nathan? Yeah right, what would he be doing here this early? I continue to walk towards my destination a bit more carefully than before, not taking my eyes off the person standing there. It isn’t long before he finally hears my footsteps and turns around. Of course, it’s Nathan, for the record, I never doubted my senses, and I had recognized his jacket too, even in this torture of a weather.

“Coffee?” He holds one cup out in front of my nose, while taking a sip from another.

I look at him suspiciously and after a bit of hesitation, decide that it’s best to take it. What would he do with two coffees anyway? The weird boy.

“Thanks.” I say, still watching his every move. “You didn’t drug it did you?”

“What? No, I didn’t, why would you…?” He trails off, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

“I don’t know. It’s just, you wanted all those questions so I thought it would kind of make sense to drug me so you could get the information out of me in some cold basement, with only one lamp directed straight at my face and torturing and stuff’ I explain while Nathan keeps slowly shaking his head.

“I sometimes wonder about you…” He starts and scratches his head. “About the whole question thing, you know, it’s not like I’m the kind of person to force out information and stuff. It’s really frustrating that you would think that. Anyway, from now on, I was thinking, let’s be friends. So when you do trust me, you can tell me what happened, or not, it’s up to you. We have to work on the whole decoration thing together anyway, and it’s been fun hanging out with you so…” Nathan is looking really uncomfortable and awkward and overall adorable and even though my mind is screaming at me to think about it, to think about low profile, and to think about consequences at this moment I really can’t say no. And why would I want to? It has been a long time since I last had friends, and I’m a selfish person, so who cares. I don’t think I can hold in my smile any longer anyway.

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