1: A party with crap

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Star and Marco, we're standing outside of someone's house, wondering if this is the right address.

Star: Are you SURE this is the right address?

Marco: At this point, yes.

Star: You SURE?

Marco: Look, We're already 25 minutes late, and I'm not gonna go on another mini adventure just to find it.

Star: Why are we here? You know there's a possibility that we could get drunk.

Marco: I lost a bet with Janna, so we have to go.

Star: You're a bit stupid, but I still love you.

Marco: Of course you still love me :3.

They enter into the house, and what they first see is a bunch of drunk, happy, high school crackheads

Star: I might love you a little less after this

Marco: There's a possibility a little bit more

Star: -_-

Janna comes up to them with two drinks

Janna: Im surprised that you guys came

Marco: We had to since I lost the bet

Janna: Hehe, well, wouldn't let these go to waste. Here

Janna hands them the drinks

Star: One couldn't hurt, right? (She was WRONG)

6 drinks and one night later...

Star and Marco were on Marcos bed, both naked and asleep. Then They both wake up.

Marco: Ugh, what happened.....why the hell are we naked?

Star: I don't know, but I th-

Marco: Star?

She ran out of the room in embarrassment and shame

Marcos sitting there, wondering what actions they just did

So yeah, I'm back, and I'm making some tweaks to this story cause im depressed 🤌

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