⚫️⚪️It can't be⚪️⚫️

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🔴!!!Major spoilers for the first game!!!🔴
Au: Mastermind UA
Time Period:In/at Hopes peak
Warnings:Deceptive Make-out ish but other than that and a tad bit of ultra despair girls spoilers I guess.
Requested by @honeyapplepie123
So for background information I have to rewatch the six trial to get it correct so spoilers for that. Also stuff will be heavily based off the sixth Trial, but of course I am going to alter with the lines so it's not all exactly going to be all correct
Also they are going to act out of character
After all of the shit Yasuhiro had been threw, he could not give up now, He knew that Leon would be proud of him for making it this far, but Yasuhiro could only imagine what it would have been like he he had confessed his feelings to Leon, maybe he could be standing there with him, and they could have lived together and could be with each other. But can't do anything about it, and his love was dead, and he could only imagine what it would be like with him standing right there with him, but he was forced to live with the guilt of not telling him. He hadn't told anyone either, but this trial was important, because they might be set free by the "Mastermind" and they could have the chance to figure out the Secrets at Hope's Peak Academy. And hope that they could get out of there so they could be freed.
~Start of the trial
Yasuhiros POV: as I look at the photograph that I have and I was Leon was in it of course he was in it but I wasn't which kind of confuse me but that's when the class trial started. But that's when I realized they're all working against me they must all be the masterminds and maybe they planned out for me to die alone with nobody by my side. So that means that they planned Leon's execution. Now that I think of it, They did plan it and they are the masterminds behind all of this!! Damn it!
(This part just the review of the trial you could skip but you don't have to look for this⚡️)
Third personPOV: as Yasuhiro mentions the fact that they are all masterminds, Makoto quickly puts it rest by stating that they all have photographs that they aren't in. And Makoto comes to the realization that the mastermind use the photographs to trick them into thinking that everyone else is the mastermind. "Yeah but I don't remember taking a picture!"Yasuhiro said defending himself."yeah so that means that they are fake! Because I don't remember even wearing the uniforms in the picture!" Ashina said clearly also on the defensive, " I don't think they're fake, I think there's another reason." Makoto calmly stated."wha-what d-do you mean?" Toko said stuttering over her words. In the corner went silent for a good five minutes to think. " all right so this is gonna sound wild, but I think we all have amnesia." Makoto said quite calm for such a bold claim. Obviously Ashina and Yasuhiro in denial about losing their memories, and after a long time of arguing they just had to except the fact that they had amnesia.
Monokuma still had reminded them that there still a trial about Mukuro Ikusabas murder. And that's when they came to the conclusion at the mastermind is somewhere in the high school somewhere in hopes Peak Academy. Then Everyone had quickly realized that the mastermind had to be one of them. Resulting in of course everyone getting defensive but everyone saying they weren't the mastermind when Kyoko reminded everyone that they could figure it out if they all work together to figure out who actually killed Mukuro, and the real way she died. They they came to the conclusion that she died A few days at the very least before they found the body. and that she was already dead. they realized all the ones she had where what truly killed her and the mastermind was the one who had almost killed makoto. Then makoto remembered that they didn't exactly look the same, because their physiques looked different, The kind of had a similar body type but not quite. Monokuma directing it at Kyoko that when she took off her gloves reveal that it wasn't her, everyone was astounded at it, but you could only mean at the mastermind was the person who tried to kill Makoto. And then, Makoto came to the realization that was actually the Junko Enoshima.

⚡️"I know who the true mastermind is, it has to be you, Junko Enoshima!" Makoto shouts with monokuma jumping back in fear "Give it up Junko." Kyoko says coldly.As the robot somewhat deactivates."we have got you cornered Junko now come out here and face us." Byakuya says, and that's when the robot starts to steam up and a thick fog appears, "what the hell is happening?!?" Yasuhiro shouts
" It's actually Leon Fucking Kuwata!"
Yasuhiros POV:" It's actually LEON FUCKING KUWATA!" I heard and soon after I felt my knees buckle and I fell to my knees and I looked up my eyes are already Starting to well up,"no no no it's can't be true," I say to my self, barely Audible so he didn't hear Me as I look up at him again,"WHAT?!" Toko along with ashina souted.
No ones POV:"Sorry but you have it all wrong." Leon said while staring at everyone, yes he was analyzing the room he realize he was missing someone, Yasuhiro, and he noticed him on his knees looking up at him, he kinda like that, yasuhiro looking up at him and on his knees, but then that's when guilt was setting in, but he has more important things to do first
Yasuhiros mind was all over the place.He was happy that Leon was still alive,but also he said all of his friends to die he was so confused.
" Mukuro did die in place of Enoshima, my was my friend/Cómplice/Supposed to be boyfriend, but " Leon said as he jumped down, Yasuhiros heart dropped at the word boyfriend, he was dating her?! "There was a little problem with that, I don't exactly like Women, and in-fact I prefer men," Leon said as he slowly walked around the whole trial while yasuhiro wiped his tears away and tried to stand but couldn't because of the immense amount of shaking, the whole trial room was still and as quite to hear Leon "While on the topic of men, there is one man in this room that has caught my eye," Leon says as Yasuhiros head shoots up "You disgusting Creature." Byakuya says disgusted. "And right as he says that Leon had already made his way over to him,"Two things, one you hypocrites, and 2 I don't want anything that Makoto has touched," Leon says with Byakuya jumping at that "What ever could you mean?" He says,"Togami, I have seen the cameras, I don't want to touch you or him." Leon says as he makes his way over to yasuhiro,"But you, you have caught my eye." Leon says as he gets down on yasuhiros level and he lifts his chin up and they look into each other's eyes as Leon let's go and helps him up, yasuhiro didn't even say a word. As Leon walks back onto the thrown in takes a seat. " wait a minute you saw us on cameras?"Makoto says shocked"Yes I saw everyone on the cameras even you." Leon says "oh my god you guys dirty, and here I thought you like kyoko, puhuhuhu." Leon says again laughing. With Kyoko shocked as he puts her hand over her mouth. " honestly though I see what other people of done not just you two." Leon states "Y-y-you Have?!?" Toko says as she has clearly been taken back. "Oh no oh no oh no oh-" Toko says instantly regretting her past decision."Wait so you have seen me?!" Yasuhiro shouts "well no shit Sherlock." Kyoko surprisingly says, " yeah I have and honestly I couldn't have been more pissed about it!" Leon shouts at the end, " I mean I couldn't be there with you because I was 'dead', and I couldn't be with you." Leon says going a little soft "Wait! Is anyone else alive?!" Ashina shouted as tears went strolling down her face but she still managed to keep a determined look on her face, "oh Ashina dear, I am afraid that we are the only ones." Leon says with a sweet voice, she falls to her knees and covers her hand up to her mouth to silence her sobs, her tears where almost a worse as the 4 trial.
Yasuhiros POV: I saw Ashina fall down and started to cry, it hurt watching Her cry out of almost everyone here. So I ran to her and dropped down on my knee and hugged her. And for a minute she stopped and was taken back at my actions, and then she hugged into me and started to cry more into me."It's ok Ashina, she's in a much better place now. And I have a hunch that she would want you to live on, for her sake." I said to her as she gripped on to my shirt and I hugged her tighter and she was trying to say something,
No Ones POV: Leon was pissed at this sight, he didn't like how Ashina was "trying" to take him away from Leon, but that's when more guilt set in. He wasn't like Junko who thrived on Despair, it was after all the time he spent with her that made him like this, and he would would be considered one of the traders since he betrayed everyone and worked for the mastermind, and then he killed her.(by the way the body in the garden was Junkos and the one that got impaled was Mukuros) "ok can we hurry this sob story along?" Leon said
Yasuhiros POV:"Ok can we hurry this sob story along?"Leon said, as I loosened my grip and Ashina let go of my shirt, as I look into her eyes and her eyes where still watering but she wasn't cry so hard, as a few little streams remained. I cup one side of her face and with my thumb I wipe away the remaining tear,"it's going to be ok Ashina, let's just hurry up this trial ok?" I said to her in a calm voice "O-Ok" she said with her voice a little shaky as I stand up and help her up and she gains balance by the podium thingy and I walk over to my spot in the room. "Now now moving on,I am the only one remaining and you guys as well, you could escape but it's a literal hell hold." Leon says as I looked at him confused, " what do you mean Leon?" I said to him. " well for one the oxygen levels are very low due to the higher pollution level, and also literally everyone is killing every everyone and anyone that walks in the streets, I would say your safer here dear~," Leon says it as he looks at me, it seems directed towards me, I still can't believe the guy I like, no Love is this psychopath. "And I hope you all On stay here as you would be safer here no danger and you get everything thing you need, hell you guys could even have a family here and the children would be safe." Leon says, "a family?" I said "yes that is what I said dear~" he said and now he  is directing it to me. "And I can guarantee your family's safety here, and if you must go I would allow it but there will be a time limit so be careful." Leon says. " do you really think that I will stay here for the rest of my life raising children and then dying inside this very school, yeah I am out."Byakuya said, "it sound nice but I wish to not be held back by the walls of this damn school."  Byakuya follows up. As Makoto runs to him and grabs on to his shirt tightly," we could have a family Byakuya, think about it, are we Really going to live for long out there." Makoto says. Byakuya looks kinda Taken back by this. "I know this sounds odd but I want a family of my own" Ashina says looking a little bit inspired "I can agree with that" Kyoko said as she walked towards Makoto and with him letting go of Byakuya and he grabs on to Kyoko and pulls her close to Byakuya. And he brings them into a hug as the two just stand there awkwardly.
I just stand around looking around as toko looks hurt, it kinda felt like we where all trying to find a mate and a permanent one. I mean I would go up to Leon and just kiss him to show that I like him, but I am just, to scared to. I noticed Ashina  slowly make her way over to me and that's when Leon jumped out of his thrown and ran to me and I noticed Ashina stop in her tracks when he did so, and when he finally got to me he grabbed me by the collar and he pressed his lips onto mine, it felt so wrong, but I have been wanting this for so long, I kiss back being forcefully and rough and i grab his waist he moves his hands to my face and he pulls on my hair slightly.I have a strong sense that he likes that, and mere minutes into the kiss he forcefully shoves his tongue I into my mouth and are tongues dance around as he grips my hair a bit more and I can feel a bit of saliva fall out of my mouth, and the he breaks and let's go, I realized and I to let go, we where both panting, and then I noticed everyone was staring at us, specifically me.
No Ones POV: they all watch Yasuhiro and Leon make out most of them where disgusted, except Makoto and Ashina surprisingly,they both Knew about yasuhiros crush and they both felt bad, yasuhiro helped both of them threw there losses, he also helped Ishimaru when mondo died, so they will  always have yasuhiro back. Kyoko just didn't really care but she was salty, while toko and Byakuya  where disgusted at the fact that he would date the mastermind, Aka the person who put all of them threw hell.
Yasuhiro was a blushing mess while Leon played it out cool, "So what's it going to be? Do you wish to go outside on your own with no resources and with the high chance of death, we're stay here we can live out your life and raise your own family are with comfort and without having to worry if you will die or about food." Leon says. "Leon," Yasuhiro says as he holds Leon's hands "I will stay with you until the end, I won't lose you again ok?" Yasuhiro says as he looks into Leon's Beautiful blue eyes, Leon smiles at that and goes in for a kiss but this one was different, it felt a lot nicer, a lot calmer, a lot sweeter. And yasuhiro slowly melts Into the kiss before they break "I love you Leon, and it hurt when you where killed, but Ashina helped me threw it, he says to look a Ashina and he smiles towards her and he looked back to Leon "And I guess I was right when I predicted that you would live." Yasuhiro said "you where right, and I love you too," Leon says and instead of another kiss he turns to everyone else. "So what will it be?" Leon says " I will stay here" Makoto turns to Kirigiri and Byakuya "I want to stay here with you guys, I want to be with both of you guys. I can't just choose one so please forgive me." Makoto says as he bows, tears escapes his eyes as he realizes that Kyoko raised him him up so he standing and she looks at him her hands still on his shoulders, "Makoto, I do not mind you liking the both of us and if you wish with Togami's content we could form a poly." Kirigiri confesses while blushing a bit, " I would not mind sharing him Kyoko, but just note that I expect you to at the very least bare my child." Byakuya states " I expect your conditions but please do keep in mind that Makoto is the one who will have the last say." Kirigiri says as she says that makoto runs Into the both of them and starts to cry into them and they both hug him" I am so happy right now and yes! Yes!" Makoto says "Leon we decided that we will stay unless you can insure that Makotos safety will be one of your top priorities." Kyoko says "Alrighty then" he says "I go where ever Togami goes." Toko says "it's settled then, no going outside unless you are given permission understand?" Leon says and they all agree. Alright everyone is now dismissed and the killing game has now concluded, you will now live the rest of your lives out in here. you are dismissed ." Leon says as they all exit the court room with Leon and Yasuhiro hand in hand and the new poly couple with Kyoko and Byakuya holding one of Makotos hands
~some other not so important events~
Toko one day leaves the academy to look for random stuff when she meets  Ashinas brother and that's when she also meets Komaru aka her girlfriend and she brings the back to the Academy/ shelter and Ashina dose have a child with yasuhiro but it's her child and they end up living there until they feel as if safer to leave

Ok this one was kind of hardest ones to do and mainly because I first watched the anime, witch I recommend not doing, but also because I had to rewatch the trail because I forgot. And also I apologize for the Makoto, Byakuya and Kirigiri, I am a multi shipper and since Celestia is dead I went with this. But other than that this was pretty interesting to wright
word count:3113

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