Chapter 20: A Descendant's Duty

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"My Lord?" A feminine voice called out for the sun god.

"Yes?" Helios responded on his bed, his eyes still fixated on the book he's reading.

"Your muse has arrived." She replied and as soon as Helios heard her, he stood up. His indulgment with his book completely disappeared. "Let her in."

His servant opened the door and just as Helios excitedly wore his robe properly, he saw his muse finally standing in front of him. The happiness he felt was immeasurable. He felt like he won.

"You came."

Yoorim didn't answer so Helios stepped forward to give her a kiss, but the descendant leaned her head away to avoid him.

"We're not yet married." She shortly said before stepping away. Helios chuckled. He nodded his head, too happy to be angry for being rejected.

The descendant made her way towards the couch and sat down. "I'll be sleeping here."

"No. You are sleeping beside me. Here on my bed." Helios shook his head.

"We are not married yet, I told you."

"To be honest you really even have no right to do what you want. I'm taking things easily now but you seem to act like you have the upper hand. Remember that you are in my territory."

Yoorim looked at Helios who has lost his smile. She glanced at the bed which seemed to be large. Until an idea crossed her mind.

"Okay, then. I'll sleep beside you but on one condition," Yoorim shrugged her shoulders. "There must be at least 2 meters of gap between us. Because again, we are not married yet."

She felt the need to emphasize that phrase to keep some distance between them. She felt like she's in a lion's cage.

Helios, on the other hand, looked convinced. "Very well, Yoorim. We're getting married tomorrow so that's not a problem."

"Tomorrow!?" Yoorim looked at him in disbelief. "Isn't it too soon?"

"I've been waiting for this moment so I do not want to waste it. I have prepared everything including your wedding dress." He pointed at the dress at the corner of the room which Yoorim didn't notice until now.

Yoorim didn't expect him to be this fast. How will she work this out?

"You don't even know if it fits me. You're in a hurry." Yoorim looked at the dress but Helios only shook his head.

"It'll fit you. Go try it out." Helios said as he walked towards the door. Before he completely left, he gave Yoorim a reminder. "If I come back here and see you still in the same clothes, I'm dressing you up myself. Do you want that?"

No, you creep.

"Of course, not. Leave." Yoorim rolled her eyes and took off the dress from the mannequin.

By the time Yoorim completely wore the dress, she couldn't deny how much the dress perfectly fitted her, and that it was beautiful. The wedding dress was inspired by the Greek goddesses' style.

She never thought about wearing a wedding dress. It was too early and unfortunately it had to be for some old self-centered sun god.

"It looks beautiful on you. I can't wait for tomorrow."

Yoorim jumped at Helios' voice. She turned around to glare at him. "You didn't even knock."

"I did. You just seemed to be mesmerized by your own dress to not hear my knocks." He walked behind her and looked at her through the mirror. "You look so perfect."

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