Day 2

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Dear Diary,

today was a terrible day! I was picked up by the coach at half past five, of course I wasn't here in time. A quarter of an hour too late, I sat in the carriage. I was the last one to be picked up. While driving I started to look at my classmates. My eyes immediately fell on the boy who was sitting across from me. He has black hair and a stern expression. What was striking, however, was a sparkling blue stone dangling from a chain around his neck. It was a Miroan. Then it occurred to me that this stone could only be worn by members of the royal family. I am naturally very curious and therefore asked the boy why he was carrying the stone with him. It would have been better if I hadn't asked this question! Why? Because the boy then replied:

/ Maybe that's because I'm Prince Amilo. However, I don't know what that concerns you. I'm not here to be admired by girls, but to give Arian victory over the war. Of course this is only possible if I don't get stupid questions all the time! / Of course I didn't let that sit on me and answered / Ohhh, but I'm extremely sorry to have bothered you with such unimportant, ridiculous questions. Please forgive me! / Amilo then said that it was extremely right to apologize to him. He really believed that I meant it seriously. He must have thought that I would be told something. I then showed him that this was not true. / You really thought I was serious. Just because you're the prince doesn't make me admire you, because why should I? Someone who is as self-absorbed as you are certainly not admired by me. Believe me, I don't care that you're a prince. I will still treat you like anyone else and if your plan is to win the war, I have to tell you that you will not get any help from me, because my only goal is to stop the war and get back to my family sweep. I'm not in power because I have nothing to do with it anyway. Power is addictive and cold. It is only because of them that millions of innocent people die. Better you go to your father and find a better solution than war and work on yourself than pick on others! You can smell your arrogance from ten meters away! / Then he looked, you can tell me that. I turned my head away and laughed at the boy inside. Or rather, about the reaction. I thought that the day couldn't be bad anymore. But then I had acted myself. But about that later.

So we arrived at the school. Many people romped around in the large square in front of the entrance. I got out of the carriage before the prince to show him that I would not be intimidated by him. He just looked at me grimly and then strutted off with his head held high. The boy went to a small group, who certainly had rich parents, because they wore splendid robes, and spoke softly to them. Suddenly three girls came up to me and examined me extensively. Then one with blonde hair said: / So you are the little girl that leaves the prince speechless. Believe me, that was a really bad idea. Because if you mess with him, you mess with us too./ I just shrugged my shoulders and left. I noticed people staring at me a lot. There were a few angry looks, but many were also amused that I simply ignored the girl.

But the worst is yet to come. We were divided into rooms, always eight girls or eight boys in one room. Except Amilo. He was given a room for two. And who do you think was his roommate? Me, of course, and only because the director overlooked me in the allocation process and now there were no vacancies. And I even thought it would be a great day. When our dear prince noticed that I was his roommate, he just rolled his eyes, puffed and complained why exactly I have to live here. I just ignored him and went to sleep. As I heard, tomorrow is supposed to be a busy day ...

Good night, dear diary

Viviana AshleyWhere stories live. Discover now