Yandere Heroine x Demon

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Two week already passed since our Demon Lord has been slain by that hateful Rave the heroine and her party members.

A lot of my kin has been killed and slaughered by humans and elves since the fall of our lord,but most were enslaved and sold to satisfy their own dark desires.

The most looked after are obviously the demons called succubus for not only for their mature body but also for their high mana capacity and powerful spells.

Lastly there are a few demons who managed to escape and hide.

I was together with a pair of imps and a succubus, and we managed to survive by stealing food thanks to the imps or by hypnotizing the local farmers,thanks to Lara,the succubus.

But two days ago the famous Heroine arrived alone in this secluded town for unknown reasons.

She has been looking house after house for something,I feared that she might notice the hypnosis we put to the old woman so that we could hide in her house,but eventually scoffed at the idea that she wanted to talk or question to every person of this town.
This town despite small it has still ten thousands of inhabitans.

And unfortunately today she visited this very place,the very wooden small house nearest to the forest.

And now, I am currently in this situation,running in the forest.Yes "I" not we.The two imps were killed by a swing of her sword and the succubus her head cut off from her body before even a second passed.

And the crepiest thing is that the moment she saw me,she gently smiled and said:

"Ah,I finally found you (Reader).You know, I searched you everywhere.Now be a good little thing and come here."

I didn't waste a second and run off from the window and run as fast as I could towards the forest.

I already run without stop for two hours so I guess I managed to escape from that creepy woman.

"haaa...What's wrong with that crazy woman..."

Yet without notice two arms wrapped around my waist and her hot breath in my ears.

I flinched and tried to remove myself against her,but her strong and unmovable arms made it impossible.

"You're so cruel,(Reader) darling.Running off like that and calling me crazy.Maybe a bit of disciple is needed...just kidding.heheh"

Her voice so sweet and bright yet something is amiss.



"What was that,darling?Wanna go home with your love?"

"Let me go!We don't even know each other!We didn't even talk with each other yet how do you even know my name!"

"But...I love you."

"Darling?Home with you?You're crazy!I don't love you rather I hate you!It is your fault that the situation is like this!Yes!That's right everything is your fault!Hey!Stop!Ouch."

Your unwise words weren't welcomed rather they caused something to snap.
Her arms tightened around you as you continued to speak and by the time you finished she was glaring at you that made you tremble.

"Oh my,It seems that maybe a bit of punishment and discipline is needed after all.Hahah."

Her voice no longer warm and bright but cold like ice.

"And maybe after that you'll learn how to love me."

"Learn to love you?Hah.As if, I will never love you!Never!"

A month has passed since the encounter of this crazy woman.
And a month passed since you have seen the sun.
You mostly passed your time locked in this cell, chained to the wall.Sleeping in the floor without a blanket.
The rest of the time you were 'loved' by Rave,she was definetly not the gentle one as she could go on for hours and continue even if you were passed out or bruised.
She never talked to you, not even a word.She would enter do it and leave for days and then do it again.

Three months passed and she started to use 'tools' hence the 'sessions' more painful.
Yet after a 'session' she would say few words like: "Good job""You endured well" etc...

Five months passed and after every 'session' she would embrace you,pat your head, say words of love and lastly she gave you a warm blanket but in exchange you would have to call her by her name and not crazy bitch, the last time you did you weren't able to move for a week.And obviously you happly obliged, you just have to call her by name this didn't mean you gave in.

Eight months passed.Her touch is intoxicating,her voice the sweetest you heard.Yet you begin to feel that something is amiss,you don't quite remember what she did againts you and why you hated her so much.

A year passed.You were given a bed and taken off the chains yet the 'session' were shorter and her visits fewer and fewer.
You begin to question: "Why?""Where is she?""She doesn't love me anymore?" etc...
Just the thought of her abandoning you makes you terrified.Or the thought of her being too much time away makes you tremble as you, day by day, yearn for her presence and touch.

(416 days passed since you encountered her)

As the door opens and after weeks of not seeing her you jump and hug as tight as you can.

"Woah!What's wrong?"

"Please don't leave!Don't leave me alone anymore!I missed you!I-I-i love you!Please...*sniff*."

"Aww..." Her eyes flashed a moment and her mouth twitched to contain something.Maybe a smirk or a laugh.

"Dear,there was a 'ploblem' I had to take care.Don't you remember?I still am a hero."

"*sniff* R-really?"


"And what?"

She whispered in your ear: "I love you too..."

And before you could respond she kissed you as gentle as possible, and you melted in that kiss.

A sign of a demon who hated this very hero who has slain its demon lord that after months of 'love' and loneliness managed to 'break'.

Unable to even remember the past. The demon who swore that it will never love her,ultimately gave in.

Yandere(F) x Reader(N) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now