Yandere Mermaid x Sailor

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Another day in the sea means another day of hours of work as a sailor.

Don't get me wrong working is ok as long as I am being paid but sometimes I think that in the past I could have done better or worked harder for my studies instead of lazing around.

Haaa...It is useless to complain now....better continue to work instead of idling around otherwise the captain might scold me again and maybe fire...haaaa.

After absentmindedly gazing at the peaceful surface of the ocean you lazily resumed to work or pretend to atleast put an effort on it and while you endure the noisy yells of your fellow sailors and the unpleasant captain's shouts, unbeknownst to you all, a group of mermaids were,under the surface of the ocean, discussing which will be their mate, which literally eat and which too unpleasant to even eat and just throw them to the sharks.

Excluding the fact they are extremely beatiful even with their lower body that of a fish, and gentle with their mate , this particular bunch of mermaids are different to the other mermaids as they not resort to obtain their love through normal means but start control or mentally control their mate just by their voice which in fact have a hypnosis effect on it, in the end whether their target is willing or not they do not have any means to resist,escape from it or fight back.

The mermaid might enjoy slowly brainwash their mate by her touch and voice,making the mate slowly grow dependent to it or slowly making them adapt to the situation and accept her advances or the mermaid might just directly decide to change their mate's personality,taste and memories,changing it to what they desire the most to their perfect partner.

Either way the moment a mermaid decide to make you her mate, you have no route of escape or opinion on it.Be ready to spend a long life together whether for your own volition or not.

But for now the current situation, is that you are still working ingnorant of your future: together with a mermaid or eaten by them or by sharks.
While the mermaids are still deciding for their mate.

Fortunately or unfortunately for you a mermaid has yet to laid its eyes to you, so for now you are safe.

But that statement didn't last long as different voices from afar started to be heard.

Some were mesmerized and some tried to resist but still in the verge of being mesmerized but the fact that the ship is sinking is something that none of you can do to change it.

Every time a sailor was embraced by the ocean a mermaid would drag the victim to her lair and do whatever she wants to it.

It was your turn as you slipped in the ocean and instantly embraced by two soft arms,her gentle and soft voice mumbling a strange yet lovable song and gently dragged you down as you slowly close your eyes.

After waking up in an unknown enviroment you passed your days being mouth-fed by her, listening to her songs while your head laid on her lap as her hands gently caressess your hair and lastly slowly giving in and accept her advances, unknown to you that her songs were the cause of your will to resist to die out and most importantly you couldn't resist her gentle touch, she was stangely able to touch your softest and weakests spots and make you in a moaning mess.

Obviously saying the wrong words in the wrong moments,misbehaving or disobeying her means no interaction with no one which is only her, days without hearing her, feeling her or just knowing her presence near you, that was impossible to endure as the moment the punishments is finished you would always break down in front of her and apologizing in tears.

After you totally give in to her love or hypnosis, the intimate moments would increase, she would always her hypnosis to make you unable cum unless she say so or even unable your lust to die out making the sessions always intense.
To describe your life would be control as she have in the palm of her palm your very soul,body and heart.

Yandere(F) x Reader(N) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now