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Cameron's POV:

I lay my hand on Chris' back in hope it will comfort him. I hear him cry into his hands and I instantly feel guilty. I should have kept hold of her. He turns his head and looks at me, tears pouring down his face

"I shouldn't have got attached to her Cameron. She called me daddy, she needs me" He cries as he stands up looking panicked. "I NEED HER CAMERON!" he screams as he runs through the double doors that the woman took Avia through. I go to run after him but I am stopped as Tyler texts me, I slip my phone from my pocket

"I'm going to the hospital with Dan, He's really ill" I send a text of agreement then run after Chris. I find him sitting on the floor with a young lady talking to him, she looks like she's being nice so I walk towards them.

"Is this your friend?" She asks as she points to me. Chris nods then buries his head again. "I'll take him to see where she is, you will stress her out in the state you are in" she states. A young man appears and smiles at me then walks Chris through the doors. I follow the girl down the corridor and up the stairs; there are hundreds of paintings by children hung up on the wall. I glance into the living room and see about 10 children playing together. It seems like a nice place. I am led into a bathroom and I see Avia sat on the floor; she smiles up at me and asks

"Daddy's friend, are you taking me home?"

"Hopefully sweetheart" the lady who dragged her away nods at me and tells me to take Avia into the lounge. She hugs onto me and tries to stop me putting her down in the living room

"Are you abandoning her?" A boy asks, probably about 8.

"No, my friends hopefully adopting her" I state as I walk out. I hear her burst into tears behind me followed by lots of noise from the children. I power walk back to Chris where I see he has been crying even more. We are called through the opposite double doors where we arrive in an office.

I sit for hours as Chris debates why he should be able to look after the little girl; I don't understand why they are being so difficult.  He looks at me with anger in his eyes whilst the young boy goes to collect Avia; I mouth to Chris "Calm down, don't worry, you'll get her" he smiles then looks at the door as Avia runs to him. A huge smile spreads across her face as she runs to him shouting "daddy, daddy!"

"Not yet" he replies as he pulls her onto his lap. I am asked to leave the room whilst they make their final decision so I sit in the waiting room and call Tyler

"Hey, how's Dan?" I ask

"Awful. I rushed him to hospital and they gave him a scan; we're still waiting for the results but he keeps throwing up and when he stops he just passes out. They don't know what's wrong with him."

"I'll come down when we're done here. I'm really worried about him" I hang up as Chris runs out holding Avia on his hip with big smiles on both their faces.

"MEET MY DAUGHTER!" He shouts at me; I smile back then we go and get in the car. I don't know if I can bare seeing Dan.

Love mcfly1D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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