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There were many tales about the giant, that lived in the north part of the forest.  Some said it could destroy a whole house with its bare hands or would eat humans alive without a second thought, if it found one in its territory. In reality they knew nothing about the mythical creature, except its gender.
The creature, that terrorized their small village was a full-grown male, what made it even more terrifying. But most people called him "the beast" or just "it".

He made himself known a few years ago. Everyone was frozen with fear when they first saw him. The ground shook with every step he took towards their village and before they could even think about running away, his massive form loomed above them. His deep voice made everyone tremble. He told them, that he didn't care what they did in the south part of the forest, but if they ever stepped into his part, they would regret it. While what he said wasn't very threatening, his appearance was enough to scare them into obeying. Just like that he left again.

Since that day they never saw him again.

Even though he wasn't there, everyone feared him. No one dared crossing the river, that divided both parts. Nobody was dumb enough to challenge the giant, who could easily end their life by lifting his foot.
For the last few years they lived a peaceful life, 'til one fateful day someone broke the rule....


Sooooo.... turns out i have no idea how to start a story.
I guess i have to wait 'til i publish the first real chapter to ask for your opinion.

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